Choreographed by Jim Ferrazzano (603) 890-6444
Description 4 Wall Partner Line Dance.Closed (couples facing same direction).
Music "Black Velvet" by Robin Lee
"Dust on the Bottle" by David Lee Murphy

Men Lady
1-2  Touch R toe side, touch centre. Touch L toe side, touch centre.
3-4 Touch R toe side, step centre. Touch L toe side, step centre.
5-6 Touch L toe side, touch centre Touch R toe side, touch centre.
7-8 Touch L toe side, step centre.  Touch R toe side, step centre.
9-10 Touch R toe forward. Touch R toe back Touch L toe back. Touch L toe forward.
11-12 Touch R toe forward. Step centre on Right    Touch L toe back.Step centre on Left.
13-14 Touch L toe back. Touch L toe forward  Touch R toe forward. Touch R toe back
15-16 Touch L toe back. Step centre on Left  Touch R toe forward. Step centre on Right
17-20 Sway Hips to Left, 4 counts Sway Hips to Right, 4 counts
21-24 Sway Hips to R, 4 counts Sway Hips to L, 4 counts.
25-26 Step to left, slide together on R. Step to R, Slide together on L
27-28 Step to left, 1/4 turn L, point R toe fwd Step to R, 1/4 turn R, point L toe fwd.


29  Step back LOD on R (1/4 turn R) Step back LOD, start double
30 Step L make 1/4 turn R (wt on L) turn counter clockwise
31-32 Step forward R, forward L (takes 4 counts)
33 Stomp Right beside Left Stomp Left
34 place hands on Lady's hips place hands on Man's shoulders.

You should now be facing new wall 1/4 turn clockwise from the beginning.

 Note: On Step 28, catch hands again to lead into the TURN sequence.
On Steps 29 through 34, the Man must adjust his position to be directly in front of the Lady
for the beginning of the dance. 
Begin Again!
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2001