Shouldn’t Be Thinking

Choreographed by 	Doreen Ollari & Randy Pelletier June 28, 2013: Randy@OneEyedParrot.Org
		(413) 366-1540
Description 	32 Count, High Beginner / Low Intermediate Partner Dance
		Dance begins in closed position, man facing LOD, woman facing RLOD.
Music: 		Everything I Shouldn't Be Thinking About - Thompson Square - Intro: 16 Counts
1-8 	Cross Rock , Right Side Chasse, Rock, Recover, Step, Touch
1,2,3&4 	Rock right across left, recover left, step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side
5-8 	Rock left foot forward, recover weight to right, step left back, touch right toe next to left
1-8 	Cross Rock , Left Side Chasse, Rock, Recover, Pivot ½ LEFT
1,2,3&4 	Rock left behind right, recover right, step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side
5-8 	Rock right back, recover weight to left, step right forward, turn ½ left stepping forward on left
Hands Counts 1-8 Couple begins in closed position. On counts 7,8 man does hand change taking lady’s right hand and placing 
it in his right hand, taking lady’s left hand in his left hand as she turns and both partners assume sweetheart position facing LOD.
9-16 	Walk, Walk , Chasse Forward (x2) (Same Footwork Both Partners in Sweetheart position Facing LOD)
9-10 	Step right forward, step left forward
11&12 	Step right forward, step left next to right, Step right forward (Chasse Forward)
13-14 	Step left forward, step right forward
15&16 	Step left forward, step right next to left, Step left forward (Chasse Forward)
17-24 	Rock , Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse Right, Twisty Weave Right, ¼ Turn Right
17-18 	Rock right forward, recover to left
19&20 	Turn ¼ right (Facing OLOD), Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side
	(right side chasse)
21-22 	Turn ¼ right stepping left fwd (Facing RLOD), Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side (Facing OLOD)
23-24 	Turn ¼ left stepping back with left (Facing LOD), Turn ½ right stepping right (Facing RLOD)
25-28 	Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Left Chasse
25,26, 	Rock left forward, recover weight to right, turning ½ left
27&28 	step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward ( LOD)
29-32 	Slight Right Side Chasse, Forward Chasse
29&30 	Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side,
31&32 	step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward (LOD)
25-28 	½ Pivot Right, Forward Chasse
25-26, 	Step left forward, Turn ½ right shifting weight to right,
27&28 	step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward (LOD)

29-32 	Full Free Spin left, ½ left Chasse
29-30 	Turning ½ left step right back, turning ½ left step left forward,
31&32 	turning ¼ left step right to side, step left next to right turning ¼ left step right back
	(End Facing RLOD)
Hands Counts 25-32 Man releases lady’s right hand on count 25 and brings her left hand over her head
while she pivots. On count 26 he starts to bring her hand down to waist level while he effects a hand change.
(Place Lady’s left hand in his right)
Man preps lady for free spin by leading her left hand forward at waist level on count 28 and pulling
her hand back between partners before releasing it on count 29.
	After Count 32, partners resume closed position and begin again.