the Women
Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right, Rock back onto right, Step left next to right and hold.1 -8 Weave Right, Rock Forward Back & Hold
9 – 16 Weave ¼ turn, ½ Turn Step Forward & HoldCross right over Lt, Step left to Lt side, Cross Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt side doing ¼ turn to the Lt, Step forward right pivot ½ turn left, Step forward right and hold, Ending up side by side (R.L.D) (As you ½ turn to left let go of right hands, lift left hands the man goes under lady’s arm )
17 – 20 Step ½ Turn Forward & HoldStep forward left, Pivot ½ turn right, Step forward left and hold (L.O.D) ( lift Lt hands the man goes under lady’s arm, Place mans Rt hand back on lady’s hip )
21 – 28 Lock Step & Scuff x 2Step forward right diagonally, Lock left behind right Step forward right and scuff left. Step forward left diagonally, Lock right behind left, Step forward left and scuff right.
29 – 36 Grapevine ¼ Turn x 2Man Step right to right side, cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Doing a ¼ turn to the left facing partner touch left next to right. With your left step ¼ turn to the right, Cross right behind left, Step left to left side and touch right next to left, (L.O.D) Lady Step left to left side, cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Doing a ¼ turn to the right facing partner touch right next to left. With your right step ¼ turn to the left, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side and place left next to right, (L.O.D) (Keep holding hands, lift Lt hands then take over lady’s head into cross hands, Lt on top, when you undo lift left hands take over lady’s head, replace hand on lady’s hip
37 – 44 Rocks & ¼ turnWith your weight on your left rock forward right, Rock back onto left, Rock back on to right, Rock forward onto left, Rock forward right, Rock back onto left, Doing a ¼ turn to the right with your right touch left next to right. Start again
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | April 2006 |