1-2 Tap right heel forward twice, 3&4 Step forward on right, close left to right , step forward on right , 5-6 Step forward on left, brush right forward, 7-8 Step forward on right, brush left forward, Lady HEEL, HEEL, LEFT SHUFFLE, STEP, BRUSH, STEP, BRUSH 1-2 Tap left heel forward twice, 3&4 Step forward on left, close right to left, step forward on left , 5-6 Step forward on right, brush left forward, 7-8 Step forward on left, brush right forward, Gent SIDE TOUCH, CROSS TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH, CROSS TOUCH, 1/4 TURN, 1/4 TURN, 1/2 TRIPLE TURN 9-10 Touch left toes to left side, cross left toes over right touching partner’s instep about 6’’ off the floor, 11-12 Touch left toes to left side, cross left toes over right touching partner’s instep about 6" off the floor, 13-14 Step left 1/4 turn left, turn a further 1/4 turn left stepping on to right, Releasing both hands 15&16 Triple step left, right, left, making 1/2 turn left on the spot, to face LOD Option 1-2-3&4 (Step left to left side, step right next to left, triple step left, right, left,) Lady SIDE TOUCH, CROSS TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH, CROSS TOUCH, 1/4 TURN, 1/4 TURN, 1/2 TRIPLE TURN 9-10 Touch right toes to right side, cross right toes over left touching partner’s instep about 6" off the floor, 11-12 Touch right toes to right side, cross right toes over left touching partner’s instep about 6" off the floor, 13-14 Step right 1/4 turn right, turn a further 1/4 turn right stepping on to left Releasing both hands 15&16 Triple step, right, left, right, making 1/2 turn right on the spot, to face LOD Option 1-2-3&4 (Step right to right side, step left next to right, triple step, right, left, right) Gent FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER, 1/2 TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCKING CHAIR 17-18 Rock step forward on right, recover weight to left, holding with right hand 19&20 Shuffle 1/2 turn right, stepping right, left, right. Releasing hands to face RLOD 21-22 Rock forward on left , recover weight to right holding with left hand 23-24 Rock back on left , recover weight forward to right , lifting hand Lady FWD ROCK, RECOVER, 1/2 TURNING SHUFFLE, STEP, 1 /2 PIVOT, STEP, 1 /2 PIVOT, 17-18 Rock step forward on left, recover weight to right, Holding with left hand 19&20 Shuffle 1/2 turn left, stepping left, right, RLOD 21-22 Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, hold & lift with right hand 23-24 Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, Option 21-24 (Rock forward on right , recover weight to left , rock back on right , recover weight forward to left ) Gent FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER, 1/2 TURNING SHUFFLE, RIGHT SHUFFLE, LEFT SHUFFLE, 25-26 Rock step forward on left , recover weight to right , 27&28 Triple step 1/2 turn left, stepping, left, right, left, holding left hand in air, raise right hand, swapping hand hold & facing Forward LOD 29&30 Shuffle forward on right, left, right, dropping hands down in to original starting position (Skaters) 31&32 Shuffle forward on left, right, left, Lady FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER, 1/2 TURNING SHUFFLE, LEFT SHUFFLE, RIGHT SHUFFLE, 25-26 Rock step forward on right , recover weight to left , 27&28 Triple step 1/2 turn right, stepping, right, left, right, holding right hand in air, raise left hand, swapping hand hold & facing Forward LOD 29&30 Shuffle forward on, left, right, left dropping hands down in to original starting position (Skaters) 31&32 Shuffle forward on, right, left, right, Option 29&30,31&32 Make a further full turn right stepping left, right, left, then right, left, right. Begin dance againGent HEEL, HEEL, RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP, BRUSH, STEP, BRUSH
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | September 2003 |