Choreographed by Dixie Fafard(450) 746-7484 (450) 561-9150 -
Description 64 count Intermediate Partner Dance Position Sweetheart, identical steps - October 2007
Music She Left Me – Toby Keith - Starts on verse
1-8 Twist x3, hold, twist x3, hold
1-8 Twist RLR towards R, hold, twist LRL towards L hold
9-16 Toe, hold, heel, hold, triple step on place, hold
1-4 Point R towards inside of L, hold, heel of R towards inside of L, hold
5-8 Triple step on place RLR, hold
Option for the Woman: full turn on place RLR, pause, Man turns Lady with his R hand.
17-24 (Step, lock, step, scuff) L & R
1-4 L in front, lock R behind L, L forward, scuff R
5-8 R in front, lock L behind R, R forward, scuff L
25-32 Heel touch L fwd, hold, toe touch L on L, hold, slow sailor step ¼ turn on L, hold
1-4 Touch L heel in front, hold, touch L toe to the L, and hold
5-8 Slow sailor step LRL in ¼ turn to the R, hold, (Lady: ¼ turn to the L),
Pass R hands over the head of the lady, finish with hands crossed in front, R hand over L,
L shoulder to L shoulder, Man faces O.L.O.D., Lady faces I.L.O.D.
33-40 (Step fwd, hold) x2, pivot ½ turn, step fwd, hold Drop hands
1-8 R fwd, hold, L fwd, hold, pivot ½ turn to the L on R L, R fwd, and hold
41-48 (Step fwd, hold) x2, pivot ½ turn, step fwd, hold
1-8 L forward, hold, R fwd, hold, pivot ½ turn to the R on L R, L fwd, hold
49-56 (Heel, hold) x2, slow sailor step, hold
Take L hands
1-4 Touch R heel in diagonal R, hold, touch R heel in diagonal R, hold
5-8 Slow sailor step on RLR, hold, move slightly to stand face to face
57-64 (Heel, hold) x2, slow sailor step ¼ turn on R, hold
Take R hand over L hand
1-4 Touch L heel in diagonal L, hold, Touch L heel in diagonal L, hold
5-8 Slow sailor step ¼ turn to the L (Lady: to the R) on LRL, finish with weight on both feet, hold
Take the Sweetheart position by passing R arm underneath the head of the Lady.
After the 3rd and 6th repetition of the dance, only do the first 16 counts and
start from the beginning.