Choreographed by 	Dixie Fafard(450) 746-7484 (450) 561-9150 - 
Description 	64 count Intermediate Partner Dance Position Sweetheart, identical steps  - October 2007
Music 		She Left Me – Toby Keith - Starts on verse
1-8 	Twist x3, hold, twist x3, hold
1-8 	Twist RLR towards R, hold, twist LRL towards L hold

9-16 	Toe, hold, heel, hold, triple step on place, hold
1-4 	Point R towards inside of L, hold, heel of R towards inside of L, hold
5-8 	Triple step on place RLR, hold
	Option for the Woman: full turn on place RLR, pause, Man turns Lady with his R hand.
17-24 	(Step, lock, step, scuff) L & R
1-4 	L in front, lock R behind L, L forward, scuff R
5-8 	R in front, lock L behind R, R forward, scuff L

25-32 	Heel touch L fwd, hold, toe touch L on L, hold, slow sailor step ¼ turn on L, hold
1-4 	Touch L heel in front, hold, touch L toe to the L, and hold
5-8 	Slow sailor step LRL in ¼ turn to the R, hold, (Lady: ¼ turn to the L),
	Pass R hands over the head of the lady, finish with hands crossed in front, R hand over L,
	L shoulder to L shoulder, Man faces O.L.O.D., Lady faces I.L.O.D.
33-40 	(Step fwd, hold) x2, pivot ½ turn, step fwd, hold Drop hands
1-8 	R fwd, hold, L fwd, hold, pivot ½ turn to the L on R L, R fwd, and hold

41-48 	(Step fwd, hold) x2, pivot ½ turn, step fwd, hold
1-8	 L forward, hold, R fwd, hold, pivot ½ turn to the R on L R, L fwd, hold
49-56 	(Heel, hold) x2, slow sailor step, hold
	Take L hands
1-4 	Touch R heel in diagonal R, hold, touch R heel in diagonal R, hold
5-8 	Slow sailor step on RLR, hold, move slightly to stand face to face

57-64 	(Heel, hold) x2, slow sailor step ¼ turn on R, hold
	Take R hand over L hand
1-4 	Touch L heel in diagonal L, hold, Touch L heel in diagonal L, hold
5-8 	Slow sailor step ¼ turn to the L (Lady: to the R) on LRL, finish with weight on both feet, hold
	Take the Sweetheart position by passing R arm underneath the head of the Lady.
	After the 3rd and 6th repetition of the dance, only do the first 16 counts and 
	start from the beginning.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2007