Choreographed by 	Madeleine Jones - September 2007
Description 	32 Count Easy Intermediate Partner Dance
		Start in sweetheart position facing outside line of dance
		Footwork the same throughout
Music 		Shadows on the rise - Los Pacaminos
		C.D.:- Los Pacaminos Download available from i tunes
		32 count introduction, Start on vocals
	Vine ¼ right, Left rock recover, ½ turn shuffle, Step right.
1-3 	Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right forward turning ¼ right.
4-5 	Step left foot forward rocking forward, rock back onto right.
6 	Make ½ turn over left shoulder then step left forward.
&7 	Step right beside left, step forward left.
8 	Step right.
	Rock recover, Back tap step tap, Step kick
1-2 	Step left forward rocking forward on left, recover back onto right.
3-4 	Step back onto left, tap right toe across left,
5-6 	Step right, tap left toe behind right heel.
7-8 	Step back on left foot, kick right foot to right side.

	Behind side cross, Hold, Step pivot x 2.
1-4 	Sweep right foot around behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, hold.
5-8 	Step left, pivot ½ turn right x 2. (dropping left hands & raising right arms to make an arch).

	Step lock step, Step lock step, Step turn ¼, Touch.
1-3 	Step forward left, step right behind left, step forward left,
4-6 	Step forward right, step left behind right, step forward right.
7-8 	Step left turning ¼ right, touch right beside left.
	Start again, enjoy
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2008