Sexy Hips
Stomp X 2, Kick X 2, Coaster Step, Walk X 2 1-2 Stomp right twice 3-4 Kick right forward twice 5&6 Right coaster step 7-8 Walk forward left, rightLeft Vine, Touch, Right Vine with turn, Touch 1-2 Step left with left , Cross right behind left 3-4 Step left with left , Touch right beside leftMan’s Steps Lady's Steps5 Step right to right side Drop left hands Roll 1.1/4 CW over three 6 Step left behind right & raise right to counts with a touch 7 Right step 1/4 CW finish in Indian 8 Left touch beside right positionStep, Slide, Shuffle X 31-2 Left step side, to LOD, Right slide beside left 3&4 Left shuffle 1/4 turn CCW - Now in Right Side by Side 5&6 Right shuffle forward 7&8 Left shuffle forward Step X 2, Hip Bumps X 9 1-2 Step forward right, step forward left 3&4 Bump hips left, right, left 5&6 Bump hips right, left, right 7&8 Bump hips left, right, leftShuffle X 2, Step Pivot X 2 1&2 Right shuffle forward 3&4 Left shuffle forward 5-6 Step forward right, pivot 1/2 turn CCW 7-8 Step forward right, pivot 1/2 turn CCWShuffles X 4 1-8 Four shuffles forward commencing with right shuffle Drop left arm & raise right, Lady does one full turn CW on 2nd. & 3rd. Shuffle Heel struts X 4 1-8 Four heel struts commencing with right For styling: Place heel forward then angle foot outwards as you place toe down Start over
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Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... RobertOctober 2002