Choreographed by Bud & Diane Martin (219) 766-3094 -  
Description 32 Count - Progressive Partner Dance in Right Side-By-Side Position
Fool Of The Century - BR549
Music 24- 7-365 - Neal McCoy 

Diagonal Step-Slides, Scuff
1-2 Step forward and diagonally to the right on RIGHT ; Slide LEFT  next to right and step
3-4 Step forward and diagonally to the right on RIGHT ; Scuff LEFT  next to right 
5-6 Step forward and diagonally to the left on LEFT ; slide RIGHT  next to the left and step
7-8 Step forward and diagonally to the left on LEFT ; Scuff RIGHT  next to left 
MAN: Steps In Place, Touch LADY: 1/2  CW Rolling Turn, Touch
Raise left hands. Lady turns under upraised joined hands
9-10 Step in place on RIGHT ; Step in place on LEFT Step forward on RIGHT  and begin a 1/2 CW rolling
turn traveling forward; Step on LEFT  and continue
1/2  CW rolling turn 
11-12 Step in place on RIGHT; LEFT  next to right    Touch  Step on RIGHT  and complete 1/2  CW
rolling turn; Touch LEFT  next to right 
Partners now in the Crossed Double Hand Hold Position. Left hands over right. Man facing LOD Lady facing ROLD
Step Back, Hold, Rock Forward, Hold
13-14 Step back on LEFT ; hold and bow to your partner 
15-16  Rock forward onto RIGHT ; Hold 
MAN: Steps In Place, Scuff    LADY: 1/2   CCW Rolling Turn, Scuff
Raise left hands. Lady turns under upraised joined hands
17-18 Step in place on LEFT ; Step in place on RIGHT Step forward on LEFT  and begin a 1/2  CCW  rolling
turn traveling forward; Step on RIGHT and continue
1/2  CCW rolling turn 
19-20 Step in place on LEFT ; Scuff RIGHT  Step on LEFT  and complete 1/2 CCW Rolling turn; Scuff RIGHT 
Partners return to Right Side-By-Side Position facing LOD.  
Forward Shuffles
21&22 Shuffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT) 
23&24 Shuffle forward (LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)
MAN: CCW Circular Step-Scuffs LADY: CW Circular Step-Scuffs
Release hands. Partners will separate. Man goes to the left and Lady goes to the right 
traveling toward RLOD.
25-26 Pivot a 1/4 turn to the left on ball of  left  and step
forward on RIGHT; Scuff LEFT  
Step a 1/4 turn to the right on RIGHT ; Scuff left  
Man faces ILOD and Lady faces OLOD
27-28 Step a 1/4 turn to the left on LEFT; Scuff RIGHT  
Pivot a 1/4 turn to the right on ball of right and step
forward on LEFT ; Scuff RIGHT 
Partners now facing RLOD
29-30 Pivot a 1/4 turn to the left on ball of  left  and step
forward on RIGHT; Scuff LEFT      
Step a 1/4 turn to the right on RIGHT;  Scuff LEFT  
Man faces OLOD and Lady faces ILOD
31-32 Step a 1/4 turn to the left on LEFT, Scuff RIGHT Pivot a 1/4 turn to the right on ball of right  and step
forward on LEFT ; Scuff RIGHT
Rejoin hands in the Right Side-By-Side Position facing FLOD.
Begin Pattern Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2002