Save the HorseS
1&2 Rock out to right side onto right, replace weight onto left, step forward and across left onto right. 3&4 Rock out to left side onto left, replace weight onto right, step forward and across right onto left.RIGHT MAMBO CROSS (SCISSORS), LEFT MAMBO CROSS (SCISSORS)
STEP, HITCH, COASTER STEP5&6 Step forward onto right, hitch left knee. 7&8 Step back onto left, step onto right next to left, step forward onto left.
SKATE, SKATE, STEP-LOCK-STEP1-2 Skate forward right, skate forward left. 3&4 Step forward onto right, lock left behind right and step, step forward onto right.
ROCK, REPLACE, STEP-LOCK-STEP5-6 Step forward onto left and rock, step back (replace weight) onto right. 7&8 Step back onto left, cross right over left and lock, step back onto left.
TURN, SWAY1-4 Make a 1/4 turn to right (CW) and step to right side onto right swaying hips to right, bend knees and sway hips left, right, left (weight on left). Note: Bring hands down and rest on ladies hips if desired for the sways and then return to tandem for next steps.
SAILOR STEP, SAILOR STEP5&6 Cross right behind left and step, step to left side onto left, Step to right side onto right. 7&8 Cross left behind right and step, step to right side onto right, step to left side onto left.
STEP, TURN, STEP, TURN1-2 Make a 1/4 turn to left (CCW) and step forward onto right, make a 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and transfer weight to left. 3-4 Step forward onto right, make a 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and transfer weight to left.. Note: Gents will drop right hands and pick up left to form an arch to go under as you make the first half turn and then the lady will go under the arch for the second half turn. Option: Make a 1/4 turn to left (CCW) and rock forward onto right, replace weight onto left, rock back onto right, replace weight onto left. (Stay in cape position)
SHUFFLE FORWARD, STOMP-STOMP-STOMP5 & 6 Shuffle forward right, left, right. 7 & 8 Moving forward each step stomp left, right, left. Begin dance again