Choreographed by Mabel Thompson - 
Adapted With Permission from the Line Dance 
"The Ketchup Dance" by Andrew Palmer & Simon J. Cox
Description  80 Count Circle Partner Dance Start - Facing LOD (Man On 
inside LOD) Holding Inside Hands, Both on same foot
Music  The Ketchup Song - Las Ketchup, (CD Single) BPM 185.
Country Option Long Time Gone – Dixie Chicks - CD Home

	Mambo Side & Mambo Back L, Step Locks x. 2
1-4 	Rock on R to R, recover onto L, step R together, Hold.
5-8 	Rock back on L, Recover onto R, Step L together, Hold
9-12 	Step forward on R, Lock L behind R, step forward on R, Hold
13-16 	Step forward on L. lock R behind L, step forward on L, Hold.

	Side Together Forward x 2, Forward Mambo, Step lock Back
17-20 	Step R to R side, step L together, step forward onto R, Hold
21-24 	Step L to side, step R together, step forward onto L, Hold
25-28 	Rock forward on R, Recover onto L, step R together, Hold
29-32 	Step back on L, Lock R across L, step back on L, Hold
	Mambo Back, Cross Step Cross, Step Locks, Lady Full Turn
33-36 	Rock back on R, Recover onto L, step R together, Hold.
37-40 	Step L, forward & across R Angle body 1/8 turn L, step R to side, step L across R, Hold
	Man, keeping hold of hands, man’s arm goes up behind his back into a hammerlock)
41-44 	Step forward into LOD on R (Arms swinging forward) Lock L behind R, Step onto R, Hold
45-48 	Man step lock on LRL Hold, Raising R arm, Lady makes a full turn R on LRL Hold
	Under man’s raised arm.
	Touch, Step Turn Step, Mambo Cross
49-50 	Step R diagonally forward R, Touch L to R
51-52 	Step L diagonally back L, Touch R to L
53-54 	Step R diagonally back R, Touch L to R
55-56 	Step L diagonally forward L, Touch R to L
57-60 	Letting go hands, step forward on R, Make 1/2 turn L onto L, Step forward onto R, Hold RLOD.
	(Rejoin L & R hands)
61-64 	Rock L to L side, Recover onto R, Step forward and across R onto L, Hold
	Rock & Cross, Step 1/4 Turn.
65-68 	Rock on R to R, Recover onto L, step forward and across L onto R, Hold
69-72 	LADY Letting go hands, Step forward L making 1/4 turn R, Step to side on R, Step L across R,
	Step R to side, (To face -ILOD)
69-72. 	MAN, Rock forward on L, Recover onto R, Make a 1/4 turn L onto L (To face OLOD) Hold
	Hand Jive With Optional Knee Bounces
73& 	With fingers outstretched cross R hand over L as far as wrists, Hands apart.
74& 	Repeat 73&
75& 	With fingers outstretched cross L hand over R as far as wrists, Hands apart
76& 	Repeat counts 75&
77& 	Hitch Hike right thumb over right shoulder, Bring right arm down
78& 	Repeat 77&
79&80&	Repeat 77&78 & using L arm. Whilst doing the Hand Jive movements bounce in time with the music.
	Restart dance by both rocking 1/4 turn to face L0D, side by side, Joining R & L hands.
	(Lady maker a 1/4 turn R Man makes 1/4 turn L.)
OPTION Counts 73 – 80 Replace hand jives with Hip bumps
 C.D's from HONKYTONK JUKEBOX - [44] 01933 271101- 
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2002