Same Kind of Crazy as Me

Choreographed by 	Norman Gifford
Description 	Four wall, 32 count , Beginner Level Line dance
Music 		Same Kind of Crazy as Me - Scooter Lee
	Lock-step forward, brush, lock-step forward, brush
1-4 	Right step forward; left lock behind right; right step forward; left brush forward
5-8 	Left step forward; right lock behind left; left step forward; right brush forward
	Rock-step, toe-heel strut back, toe-heel strut back, step back, together
1-4 	Right rock forward; left replace; right toe touch back; drop heel taking weight
5-8 	Left toe touch back; drop heel taking weight; right step back; left together
	Step forward, brush, cross-rock, replace, step side, brush, cross-rock, replace
1-4 	Right step forward; left brush across right, cross-rock; right replace
5-8 	Left step side; right brush across left; cross-rock; left replace
	Modified half-speed jazz-box turning left
1-4 	Right step side; hold; left crossover; hold
5-8 	Right step back; hold; turn ¼ left stepping forward; hold [9:00]
	Begin Again
Note: 	To end the dance step back on count 5 and step to the side on count 7 and pose.
Alternate steps:
Section #1: Right step forward; left brush forward; left hook across right; left brush forward
	Left step forward; right brush forward; right hook across left; right brush forward
Section #2: Toe-heel struts can be replaced with: "step back; hold; step back; hold"
						Lockdown October 2020