Safe Place

Choreographed by 	Jeff & Thelma Mills ~ 01886 821772
Description 	Intermediate Partner Dance: 32 count
		Shadow Position – Gent Behind Lady Both Facing LOD
Music 		A Soft Place To Fall - Allison Moorer - 89 BPM
		On CD’s: The Horse Whisperer,  - Alabama Song,  - Ultimate Collection
		Count in at approx 50 seconds on the first accented heavy beat
		also or your favourite Cha Cha – 90 BPM
Both: Side Step. Rock Step. Right Chasse with a Step Forward. 
1	Step L to L side. *** (See Note Below) 
2-3	Step & rock back onto R. Recover forward onto L 
4&5	Step right to right side. Step left next to right. Step forward right. 

Gent: Rock Step. ¼ Triple Turn.			Lady: Step Pivot Turn. ¾ Triple Turn.
6-7	Step and rock forward L. Recover onto R		Step forward L. Pivot ½ turn right to face RLOD.
8&1	¼ Triple turn right L-R-L to face OLOD.   		¾ Triple left L-R-L to face ILOD.
Note	During counts 6-7: Raise left and go into double cross arm position. (Gent to take short rock step)
	During counts 8&1: Raise arms and go into double cross arm position. 

Gent: Rock Step. ¾ Triple Turn     			Lady: Rock Step. ¼ Triple Turn. 
2-3	Step & rock back onto R. Recover fwd onto L	Step & rock back onto R. Recover fwd onto L
4&5      ¾ Triple turn right R-L-R to face LOD		¼ Triple turn right R-L-R to face LOD. 
Both: Pivot Turn x 2. Triple Step Forward.
6-7	Pivot ½ turn R stepping back onto L to face RLOD. Pivot ½ turn R stepping fwd R to face LOD
8&1	Triple step forward L-R-L. 
Note:	During counts 4&5: Raise right hands, keeping left hands at waist height. 
	During counts 6: Release left hands. 
	During counts 8&1: Go into right side by side. 

Both: Cross. Step Back. ¼ Chasse Turn Right. Sway x 2. Chasse ¼ turn Left. 
2-3	Step and cross right over left. Step back onto left.
4&5	Step right to right side ¼ turn right to face OLOD. Step left next to right. Step right to right side. 
6-7	Step and sway onto left. Step and sway onto right 
8&1	Step left to right side. Step right next to left. Step left ¼ turn left to face LOD.
Note:	During counts 4&5: Return into Shadow Position. 

Gent: Walk x 2					Lady: ½ Pivot Turn x 2 
2-3	Step forward R-L				Pivot ½ turn left stepping back onto right. 
						Pivot ½ turn left stepping forward onto L.

Both: Triple Step Forward. Walk x2. Left Chasse.
4&5	Triple step forward R-L-R. 
6-7	Walk forward L-R. 
8&1	Step left to left side. Step right next to left. Step left to left side. *** 
Note:	During counts 2–3: Raise right hands, and release left hands, 
	During counts 2-3 / 4&5: Lady to turn and move across in front of gent and return into 
	Shadow position during counts 6-7. 
	***You have now started the dance again at count 1.
	Please Note: This sheet may be copied and freely distributed as per original.

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2008