Rose Swing

Choreographer: Unknown
Description 48 Count, Couple flow dance, Side by side both facing L.O.D.,man on inside, 
man's right and lady's left hands are joined.
Music Any medium swing song [ecs ]

  **Lady** **Men**
1-3 Walk forward - left, right, left Walk forward - right, left, right
4 Turn 1/4 left and touch right foot in position 
and join both hands
Turn 1/4 right and touch left foot in position 
and join both hands
5-7 Vine right - right, left, right Vine left - left, right, left
8 Kick left between man's legs Kick right to outside of lady
9 Step left in position Step right in position
10 Touch right toe back Touch left toe back
11 Step right in position Step left in position
12 Kick, left foot between man's legs Kick right foot to outside of lady
13 Step left foot in position Step right foot in position
14 Touch right toe back Touch left toe back
  ** Begin basic swing pattern  
15&16 Shuffle to right side-Right, left, right Shuffle to left side left, right, left
17&18 Shuffle to left side-Left, right, left Shuffle to right side right, left, right
19 Step right foot back and rock Step left foot back and rock
20 Rock forward on left foot Rock forward on right foot
  ** Switching sides **  
21&22 Drop left hands as you shuffle forward beginning a 1/2 turn right under man's left arm- Rt Lt Rt Drop right hands as you shuffle forward turning 1/2 turn right around lady- left, right, left
23&24 Shuffle completing the turn left, right, left Shuffle completing the turn right, left, right
25 Step right foot back and rock Step left back and rock
26 Rock forward on left foot Rock forward on right foot

**On the next two shuffles the man will turn to face LOD as the lady turns
opposite to end in a wrap position on the man's right side **

27&28 Shuffle beginning a 1/4 turn left moving in front 
and under mans left arm right, left, right
Shuffle turning 1/4 right to face LODusing left 
arm to turn lady and bring her in front and 
to the right side left, right, left
29&30 Shuffle continuing the turn Lt, Rt, Lt. Rt, Lt, Rt Shuffle in place as the lady turns
31 Step right foot back and rock Step left foot back and rock
32 Rock forward on left foot Rock forward on right foot
33-35 Drop right hand and do a right rolling 
vine- right, left, right
Drop left hand unwrapping the lady 
step in place - left, right, left
36 Touch left foot in position Touch right foot in position
37-39 Drop left hand and do a left rolling vine in 
front of man
Drop right hand and do a right rolling 
vine behind lady
40 Touch right in position Touch left foot in position
41-43 Right rolling vine in front of man
right, left, right
Left rolling vine behind lady
left, right, left
44 Touch left foot in position Touch right foot in position
45&46 Join inside hands and shuffle forward
left, right, left
Join inside hands and shuffle forward
right, left, right
47&48 Shuffle forward-right, left, right Shuffle forward - left, right, left
   November 99