Choreographed by Ken and Kristen Worley, Marietta, GA(770) 426-7747 worley2@worldnet.att.net
Description Four-wall line dance
Music  455 Rocket - Kathy Mattea

	Monterey turn, vine right
1-2 	Touch right to right side; turn 1/2 right on left, stepping right next to left
3-4 	Touch left toe to left side; step left next to right
5-6 	Step right on right; step left behind right
7-8 	Step right on right; step left together with right
	Toe touch/switches, cross, unwind
9& 	Point right toe to right side and step right foot next to left
10& 	Point left toe to left side and step left foot next to right
11& 	Point right toe to right side and step right foot next to left
12&	Point left toe to left side and step left foot next to right
13-14 	Cross right foot over left; hold the count
15-16 	Turn 1/2 to left to unwind legs (2 counts)
	Body rolls, backward quick-steps, vine left with 1/4 turn
17-18 	Bending knees slightly, swing hips to left (chest should roll up and out on first count)
19-20 	Repeat 17-18
21&22 	Shuffle forward (right-left-right)
23-24 	Step forward on left; rock back on right foot
&25-26 	Step left back and step right foot slightly farther back, Hold
&27-28 	Step left back and step right foot slightly farther back,  Hold
29-30 	Step left to left; step right behind left
31-32 	Step left 1/4 turn left; touch right next to left
	Walk back, cross-hitch, stroll step, scuff, 1/2 turn, stroll step, step, together
33-34 	Step back on right; step back on left 
35-36 	Step back on right; hitch left leg across right leg
37-38 	Step forward on left; step right foot behind left, turning slightly to right
39-40 	Step forward on left; scuff right foot next to left, turning 1/2 to left
41-42 	Step forward on right; step left behind right, turning slightly to left
43-44 	Step right forward; step left foot next to right
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2002