Purple Heather Partner Dance
Choreographed by Angie Leyland (Lancashire UK) 0781 4462901 August 2013 Description Easy Intermediate Partner Dance (64 counts) Same foot work throughout unless stated Start in Indian position (Man behind Lady) facing OLOD Music Purple Heather - The Saloon Drifters (109 bpm) This arrangement by Neil Woodward - Track available from www.saloondrifers.webs.com 24 count intro starting on bag pipes Video http://youtu.be/D1y5WMazoHU
Intro BUMP HIPS 2 RIGHT, 2 LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT (extra 8 beats) STEP SLIDE, STEP TOUCH X 2 1-4 Step Rt to Rt side, slide Lt up to Rt, step Rt to Rt side touch Lt next to Rt 5-8 Step Lt to Lt side, slide Rt up to Lt, step Lt to Lt side touch Rt next to Lt
STEP SLIDE, STEP TOUCH X 2, (TURNING THE LADY FULL TURN) 9-12 Mens steps same as 1-4 Raising Rt hand, Ladys Rt hand turning lady full turn Rt 13-16 Mens steps same as 5-8 Raising Rt hand, Ladys Rt hand turning lady full turn Lt
1/8th TURN, 1/8th TURN PIVOTS TURNING RIGHT 17-20 Putting weight on Rt ball of foot & turn two 1/8th turns (now facing LOD)
ROCK FWD, ROCK BACK, RIGHT SHUFFLE BACK (SWEETHEART POSITION) 21-22 Rock fwd on Rt, Rock back on Lt 23&24 Right shuffle backwards RLR
ROCK BACK, ROCK FWD , WALK WALK, SHUFFLE, WALK WALK 25-28 Rock Back on Lt, rock fwd on Rt, Walk Lt Rt 29&30 Shuffle Fwd LRL, 31-32 Walk Forward Rt - Lt
TOE HEEL, SHUFFLE , TOE HEEL SHUFFLE X 2 33-34 Rt toe,Rt heel, 35&36 Rt shuffle Fwd RLR 37-38 Lt toe, Lt heel, 39&40 Lt shuffle Fwd LRL
ROCK ROCK CROSS SHUFFLE (LADY) RT BEHIND CHA CHA CHA (MAN) 41-4 Lady rock out on Rt foot recover on Lt Man steps to Rt, cross Lt behind 43&4 Lady Rt cross shuffle travelling Lt, RLR in front of man changing places Man cha cha cha traveling slightly Rt RLR Keeping hold of both hands, Man brings ladys Lt hand over her head. Hands should now be crossed over in front (Lf over Rt)
ROCK ROCK CROSS SHUFFLE (LADY) LT BEHIND CHA CHA CHA (MAN) 45-46 Lady rocks out on Lt foot recover on Rt Man steps to Lt cross Rt behind 47&48 Lady Lt cross shuffle travelling Rt LRL Man cha cha cha traveling slightly Lt LRL Keeping hold of both hands, Man brings ladys Lt hand over her head Back into sweetheart position 49-52 Rt toe,Rt heel, Rt shuffle Fwd RLR 53-56 Lt toe, Lt heel, Lt shuffle making ¼ turn Rt (facing OLOD) (Back into Indian position)
BUMP HIPS 2 RIGHT, 2 LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT 57-64 Bump hips Rt twice, Lt Twice, then RLRL. The dance will finish in this position were you hear the bag pipes Plenty of style and cuddles at this stage HAVE FUN
Thanks to Phil for helping with the men’s steps & A special thanks to The Saloon Drifters for letting me Choreograph this partner dance to Purple Heather Happy Dancing and Miles of Smiles from Angie