1-6 Lady turns full turn right (RLR LRL) Man steps in place (LRL RLR) Raise man’s left hand and ladies right hand – keep raised for the next 6 counts MAN TURNS UNDER LADY’S RIGHT ARM 1-6 Lady steps in place (RLR LRL) Man turns full turn left (LRL RLR)LADY TURNS UNDER MAN’S LEFT ARM
SIX-COUNT WEAVE1-3 Lady steps R to right, crosses L in front of right, step R to right side Man steps L to left side, crosses R behind left, step L to left side 4-6 Lady crosses L behind right, R to right side, L over right Man steps R over left, L to left side, R behind left
PROMANADE1-3 Lady turns right ¼ on R to LOD and holds for 2 counts Man turns left ¼ on L to LOD and holds for 2 counts 4-6 Lady steps forward L, turns left with R ¼ to ILOS, step L next to right Man steps forward R, turns right with L ¼ to OLOD, step R next to left
½ TURN APART, ½ TURN TOGETHER1-3 Lady turns ½ turn right RLR to OLOD (away from man) Man turns ½ turn left LRL to ILOD (away from lady) Release left hands, now back to back 4-6 Lady turns ½ turn to left LRL to ILOD (towards man) Man turns ½ turn right RLR to OLOD (towards lady)
PROMANADE WITH LADY’S TURN1-3 Lady turn rights ¼ on R to LOD and holds for 2 counts Man turns left ¼ L to LOD and holds for 2 counts 4-6 Lady steps forward L, turning full turn to right with R then L Man steps forward RLR
PROMANADE1-3 Lady steps forward R and holds for 2 counts Man steps forward L and holds for 2 counts 4-6 Lady steps forward L, turns left with R ¼ to ILOD, step L next to right Man steps forward R, turns right with L ¼ to OLOD, step R next to left
½ TURN APART, ½ TURN TOGETHER1-3 Lady turns ½ turn right RLR to OLOD (away from man) Man turns ½ turn left LRL to ILOD (away from lady) Release left hands, now back to back 4-6 Lady turns ½ turn to left LRL to ILOD (towards man) Man turns ½ turn right RLR to OLOD (towards lady) START OVER
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | March 2006 |