
Choreographer 	Gaby Neumann
Description 	32 counts, 2 wall, Beginner Linedance
Music 		Chew Tobacco Rag - Billy Biggs
	Step, Hold/Snap, Step, Hold/Snap, Step, Hold/Snap, Touch, Hold/Snap
1-2 	step RF right, hold with finger snap
3-4 	cross LF over RF, hold with finger snap
5-6 	step RF right, hold with finger snap
7-8 	touch left toe next to RF, hold with finger snap
	Step, Hold/Snap, Step, Hold/Snap, Step, Hold/Snap, Touch, Hold/Snap
1-2 	step LF left, hold with finger snap
3-4 	cross RF over LF, hold with finger snap
5-6 	step LF left, hold with finger snap
7- 8 	touch right toe next to LF, hold with finger snap
	Monterey Turn 2x
1 	touch right toe to right side
2 	turn ½ turn right with step RF next to LF
3-4 	touch left toe to left side, step LF next to RF
5 	touch right toe to right side
6 	turn ½ turn right with step RF next to LF
7-8 	touch left toe to left side, step LF next to RF
	Chug Walks with ½ Turn
& 	till RF a bit with both Knees apart }
1 	step RF with 1/8 turn left next to LF with both knees together }AT
& 	till LF a bit with both Knees apart }
2 	step LF with 1/8 turn left next to RF with both knees together }LEAST
& 	till RF a bit with both Knees apart }
3 	step RF with 1/8 turn left next to LF with both knees together }YOU
& 	till LF a bit with both Knees apart }
4 	step LF with 1/8 turn left next to RF with both knees together }MADE A
& 	till RF a bit with both Knees apart }
5 	step RF with 1/8 turn left next to LF with both knees together }½ TURN
& 	till LF a bit with both Knees apart }
6 	step LF with 1/8 turn left next to RF with both knees together }LEFT
& 	till RF a bit with both Knees apart }
7 	step RF with 1/8 turn left next to LF with both knees together }
& 	till LF a bit with both Knees apart }
8 	step LF with 1/8 turn left next to RF with both knees together }
	dance these combination with bended knees!
	Let’s do it again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk November 2010