Choreographed by Pip & Carolann - T/F - 01383 732609 - pipbuffalo@aol.com  
Description  32 count ON THE SPOT Partner Dance, 
Start facing each other, holding both hands,
Music  I Just Want My Baby Back – Jerry Kilgore,
Talk back trembling lips - Becky Hobbs.
Lets Walk Away in Love - Jim Yeomans.
Honk If You Honky Tonk - George Strait.
Lonestar State of Mind - Nanci Griffith.

Steps printed are Mans steps, Ladies steps are on opposite feet and mirror image, except where stated.
Taught at Ingliston Festival on 11-April-04

1-8 	Cross Rock X 2, Hold arms out to side
1-4 	Starting weight on Right, Cross rock forward Left over Right (angle body diagonally 45°
	Right, hip to hip) recover back onto Right. Step Left beside Right & hold
	Start weight on Left, Step Right behind Left (angle body 45° Right hip to hip)
	recover forward onto Right step Left besides Right and hold
5-8 	Repeat on opposite foot

9-16 	Back mambo steps X 2
9-12 	Step back on Left, recover onto right, step Left beside right and hold
13-16 	Step back right recover onto Left, step right beside Left and hold

17-24 	Turns to change places, Drop mans Right ladies Left hand, raise mans Left Lady’s Right
17-20 	Walk round behind lady anticlockwise 1/4 turn to face LOD , Left-Right-Left hold
	Turning under arch 1/4 turn right on Right-Left-Right and hold, now facing LOD
21-24 	Walk forward Right-Left-Right and hold
	Lady, Walk forward Left-Right-Left and hold, or full turn Right.
	Man  now on outside of dance floor, lady on inside of dance floor.
25-28 	Mambo forward.
	Step Left forward, recover weight onto Right , Step Left together and hold

29-32 	Side step 1/4 turn
	Step Right to Right, recover weight onto Left whilst turning 1/4 turn to Left,
	step Right beside Left and hold.
Now back into original starting position facing opposite direction.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2004