CHOREOGRAPHER Johnny Montana  (607-648-8151) -- 
DESCRIPTION 64 Count, Advanced Intermediate Fixed pattern partner dance
MUSIC "You Have the Right" by Perfect Stranger (Dance)
"Heart to Heart" Rhett Akins (Learn)
"Down by the Riverside" Diamond Rio
"If I Was a Drinkin' Man" Neal McCoy
DEDICATION For Russell & Linda (Stastyshyn) Harris

Grapevine right forward diagonal, Scuff
1 - 4 With partners facing the LOD and heading at a slight  forward right diagonal: Step right  to right, step
left  to right crossing behind right, step right to right, scuff left  through home position.
Rock, Step, Shuffle
5 Rock forward onto left  (release right hands, bend left knee, extend left hands and bow).
6 Step back onto right  (preparing for  turn).
7&8 Make a 1/2 turn to the left (CCW)  and shuffle forward left, right, left while the gentleman goes
under the arch formed by the left hands. (You are now facing the  RLOD)
Rock, Step, Shuffle
9 Rock forward onto right (bend right knee, extend left hands and bow).
10 Step back onto left  (preparing for turn).
11&12 Make a 1/2 turn to the right (CW)  and shuffle forward right, left, right while the gentleman goes
under the arch formed by the left hands. (Rejoin hands and you  are now facing the LOD)
Grapevine left forward diagonal, Scuff
13-16 With partners facing the LOD and heading at a slight  forward left diagonal: Step left  to left, step
right  to left crossing behind left, step left to left, scuff right
 Rock, Step, Shuffle
17 Rock forward onto right  (release right hands, bend  right knee, extend left hands and bow).
18 Step back onto left  (preparing for turn).
19&20 Make a 1/2 turn to the right (CW)  and shuffle forward  right, left, right while the lady goes
under the arch formed by the left hands. (You are now facing the RLOD)
Rock, Step, Shuffle
21 Rock forward onto left  (bend left knee, extend left hands and bow).
22 Step back onto right  (preparing for turn).
23&24 Make a 1/2 turn to the left (CCW) and shuffle forward left, right, left while the lady goes
under the arch formed by the left hands (Rejoin hands and you are now facing the LOD)
Step, Scuff
25-26 Step forward right , scuff left 
27-28 Step forward  left , scuff right
29-30 Step forward right , scuff left
31-32 Step forward  left , scuff right
Jazz box
33-34 Cross right over left and step onto right , step back onto left
35-36 Make a 1/4 turn to right (CW) and step onto right  (you are now facing the outside of the
circle and the  gentleman will be directly behind the lady),
touch left toe next to right
Grapevine left down LOD, Tap and curtsey
37-38 With partners facing the outside of the circle and heading down the LOD: Extending hands
outward to sides,  step onto left  to left side, step onto right to left side crossing behind left.
39-40 Step onto left  to left side, tap right toe behind left  and curtsey.
Step, Tap and curtsey
41-42 Step onto right  to right side, tap left toe behind right  and curtsey.
43-44 Step onto left  to left side, tap right toe behind left  and curtsey.
Grapevine right down RLOD, Tap and curtsey
45-46 Step onto right  to right side, step onto left to right side crossing behind right.
47-48 Step onto right  to right side, tap left toe behind right  and curtsey.
Step, Tap and curtsey
49-50 Step onto left  to left side, tap right toe behind left  and curtsey.
51-52 Step onto right  to right side, tap left toe behind right  and curtsey.
Shuffle Steps
53&54 Turning 1/4 turn left back into the LOD and back into Seetheart position: Shuffle forward left, right, left
55&56 Shuffle forward right,  left,  right
Double jazz box
57-58 Cross left over right and step onto left , step back onto right
59-60 Step to left side onto left , step forward onto right .
61-62 Cross left over right and step onto left , step back onto right .
63-64 Step to left side onto left , touch right toe next to left in home position.
Begin dance again

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert

June 2001