Patina Shuffle
Choreographed by Tina Lincoln & Little Patch C.T.C.(Feb 2001) - 01604 403900
Description: 44 Count 4 wall Intermediate Partner / Line dance
Music: Mr. Lonely by Merv & Maria From 'Life is a Journey'

  Lady's Steps Gents Steps
  Couples facing one another, holding hands  
1,2 Rock right in front of left, rock back onto left Rock left in front of right rock back onto right
3&4 Right shuffle in place Left shuffle in place
5,6 Rock left in front of right, rock back onto right Rock right infront of left, rock back on left
7&8 Left shuffle in place Right shuffle in place
  Drop Ladies right hand and Gents left hand, lady turning under Gents right arm
9&10 Right shuffle forward making 1/2 turn left Left shuffle forward
11&12 Left shuffle back Right shuffle 1/2 turn left
13,14 Rock back onto right, forward onto left Rock back on left , forward onto right
15&16 Right shuffle forward making 1/2 turn left Left shuffle forward
17&18 Left shuffle back Right shuffle 1/2 turn left
19,20 Rock back onto right, forward onto left Rock back onto left , forward onto right
  Pick up Ladies right hand, Gents left  
21,22 Step right to side, step left beside right Step left to side, step right beside left
23&24 Right shuffle forward Left shuffle back
25,26 Step left to side, step right beside left Step right to side, step left beside right
27&28 Left shuffle back Right shuffle forward
29,30 Rock forward onto right, back onto left Rock back onto left, forward onto right
  Raise ladies right hand, lady turn under her own right arm
31&32 Right shuffle making 1/2 turn right Left shuffle forward (no turn)
33,34 Rock forward onto left, back onto right Rock forward onto right, back onto left
35&36 Left shuffle making 1/2 turn left Right shuffle back
37,38 Step right to side, step left beside right Step left to side, step right beside left
  Raise ladies right hand, drop ladies left hand , Gents right hand
39&40 Right shuffle making a 1/4 turn to right
(Lady in front of man)
Left shuffle making 1/4 turn left
(Gent behind Lady)
41,42 Step left forward, pivot half turn right Rock forward onto right, back onto left
  Pick up Ladies right hand, gents left hand  
43&44 Left shuffle forward Right shuffle back
  Repeat and be Happy  
C.D's & Tapes Available from Broken Wheel Music 01473 827376
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2001