Paradise Walk
Choreographed By Danny Mardillia
Description Partner Dance, Right Side by Side [ aka Sweetheart ] both start on Left
Music Jagged Edge of a Heart - Gail Davies
  Your Love is on the Line - Earl Thomas Conley
  Joe Knows how To Live - Eddy Raven
  I Could Use Another You - Eddy Raven.
1-2 Left brush forward Left step forward
3-4 Right brush forward, Right step forward
5-6 Left brush forward, left step forward
7-8 Right brush forward, Right step forward
9-10 Rock back on Left, Rock forward on Right
11-12 Brush Left forward and turn 1/4 right, Left step to left side
13-14 Step Right behind Left, Step Left to left side
15 Cross Right in front of Left doing 1/4 turn left and now facing LOD
16 Step on Left while doing 1/2 turn left and continuing forward LOD
  The man, while still holding Lady's Right hand, will lift his right arm over her bead 
and bring to waist level, keeping hands joined as long as comfortably 
Possible while doing 1/2 turn. Couple will break apart at the end of this move
17 Step on Right while doing 1/2 turn and continuing forward LOD.
Couple wilt not be joined but will be making this turn side by side.
18 Step on Left while doing 1/2 turn and continuing forward LOD.
Couple will join in Side by Side position the end of this move.
19 Cross Right in front of Left. Your bodies will be facing to the right, on 
outside of the circle moving forward LOD .
20-21 Moving forward LOD, step Left to the left side, step Right behind left
22-23 Step Left to the left side, step Right in front of Left
24 Step left to left side while making 1/4 turn to the right
with the weight still on your left You will now be facing RLOD
25-26 Right kick, Right kick
27&28 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
29-30 Left step forward into RLOD, Pivot 1/2 turn right
  (now facing LOD) Man brings Left hands over head and then Right 
hands over head to Side by Side Position
31&32 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left
33&34 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
35-36 Left step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right
  (leaving feet in place), now facing RLOD. Man drops Right hand & 
takes left hands over Lady's head.
37 Left. step forward into RLOD, doing 1/2 turn. Man drops Left hands & picks up right hands
38 Right step forward into RLOD, doing 1/2 turn.
Man brings Right hands over lady's head & takes left hands into side by side position
39&40 Shuffle RLOD Left, Right, Left
41&42 Shuffle RLOD Right, Left, Right
43-44 Left step forward into RLOD, Pivot 1/2 turn right (weight on right facing LOD )
45&46 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left
47&48 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
49-50 Brush Left to left side, Step to left side with left (ILOD)
51-52 Step Right behind Left, Step Left to left side
53-54 Brush Right to right, Step Right to right side (to Outside of dance Circle )
55-56 Step Left behind Right, Step right to right
   Begin Again                                                     October 2000