Outside Looking In (2 Pages) Choreographed by Michelle Chandonnet & Marc Archambault Description Intermediate (64 counts), Side-By-Side in Sweetheart position. Music: Outside Looking In - Lane Turner. Intro: count 32 Alt Your’re the Reason God Made Oklahoma - David Frizzell and Shelly West (slow). Intro: count 161-8 Step, slide, step scuff - step, slide, step, scuff 1-4 Step forward L, slide R together, step L forward, scuff R forward 5-8 Step forward R, slide L together, step R forward, scuff L forward9-16 Man : Step, slide, step, scuff - step, full turn, scuff Lady: Walk around and behind man making full turn R, walk fwd, scuff Release left hand and raise right arm. The woman passes behind the man 1-4 Man: Step L forward, slide R together, step L forward, scuff R forward Lady: Step L ½ turn right, step R ¼ turn right, step L ¼ turn right, scuff R forward Lift R arm. Man drops arm to waist. R arm over mans head and down behind the back into hammerlock 5-8 Man: Steps RLR full turn left into LOD, scuff L forward Lady: Steps RLR forward, scuff L forward Reversed Skaters position. Left hands in front of lady, right hands behind Mans back17-24 Man : Step, slide, step, scuff - step, slide, step, scuff Lady: Step full turn, scuff - step, slide, step, scuff Release right hand and raise the left arm 1-4 Man: Step L forward, slide R together, step L forward, scuff R forward Lady: Step LRL full turn left into LOD, scuff R forward Position Left Side By Side in Reverse Sweetheart (Lady on Mans Left) LOD 5-8 Step R forward, slide L together, step R forward, scuff L forward25-32 Grapevine: Step left, cross behind, left, scuff right – Grapevine: step right, cross behind, right, scuff left 1-4 Step L to left, step R behind left, step L to left, scuff R forward 5-8 Step R to right, step L behind right, step R to right, scuff L forward33-40 Man : Step ¼, step ¼, step ¼, touch right next to left – In Place: step, step, step, touch left next to right Lady: Step ¾ turn, touch - steps full turn right in place 1-4 Man: Step L ¼ turn left, step R ¼ turn left, step L ¼ turn left, touch R (OLOD) Lady: Step LRL ¾ turn right past the man, touch R (ILOD) 5-8 Man: Step RLR in place, touch R Lady: Step RLRL full turn right on the spot, put weight on left Cross Double Hand Hold Position. Man facing OLOD, lady facing ILOD41-48 Man: Step back, touch back, step fwd, touch left - step ¼ turn L, slide, step, scuff right Lady: Step forward, kick left, step back, touch - steps 1 ¼ turn R, scuff left 1-4 Man: Step L back, touch toe back, step R forward, touch L Lady: Step R forward , kick L forward, step L back, touch R Let go left hand and lift the right arm above the head of the lady 5-6 Man: Step L ¼ turn left, slide R together Lady: Step R ¼ turn right, step L back ½ turn right 7-8 Man: Step L forward, scuff R forward Lady: Step forward R ½ turn right, scuff L forward Position Side By Side, facing LOD49-56 Man : Step, slide, step, scuff left - rocking chair: rock forward L, recover, rock back, recover Lady: Step, slide, step, scuff right - rocking chair: rock forward R, recover, rock back, recover 1-4 Man: Step R forward, slide L together, step R forward, scuff L forward Lady: Step L forward, slide R next to L, step L forward, scuff R forward 5-8 Man: Rock L forward, step R back, rock L back, step R forward Lady: Rock R forward, step L back, rock R back, step L forward57-64 Man : Toe ¼ Turn R, Heel ¼ R, step back, lock L over R, step back, kick left, step back ½ turn, stomp Right Lady: Toe ¼ Turn L, Heel ¼ L step back, lock R over L, step back, kick Right, step back ½ turn, Scuff Left 1-2 Man: Point L ¼ turn (OLOD), place the heel by pivoting ¼ turn (RLOD) Lady: Point R ¼ turn left (ILOD), drop right heel by pivoting ¼ turn L (RLOD) 3-6 Man: Step R, L lock over right, step R back, kick L forward Lady: Step L back, slide cross right over left, step L back, kick R forward 7-8 Man: Step L ½ turn left (LOD), scuff L Lady: Step R ½ turn right (LOD), scuff L (In Sweetheart facing LOD both with weight on right) Start Again Translated from the original script in French by JB Western Dance April 2015