Our Rebel Heart
Choreographed by Barb & Dave Monroe 2/17 - BarbBoogie17@gmail.com poconocowboy@gmail.com ~ (www.poconocowboy.com Description: 32 Count Intermediate Pattern Partner Circle Dance Sweetheart position facing LOD. footwork is the same except where noted. Music: Road Less Traveled - Lauren Alaina Baby Let’s Lay Down and Dance - Garth Brooks East Coast Swing Rhythm
Shuffle Forward, Rock, Recover (Lady ½ turn), Slide side, Shuffle side 1&2 Shuffle forward L, R, L 3-4 Man: Rock forward R, recover L (bringing R arm over lady’s head as she turns) Lady: Step forward R, turn ½ turn L weight on L (facing RLOD) 5-6 Both slide side R slightly, step L beside R (now face to face with partner) (Release R arms) 7&8 Shuffle side R, L, R (join L hands as you shuffle side) (Note; partners can clap each others hands on count 6) Rock back, Recover, Shuffle side, Rock back, Recover (Lady ½ turn), Shuffle Fwd 1-2 Rock back on L, recover R 3&4 S huffle side L, R, L (Rejoin R arm to R arm) (man on ILOD and lady on OLOD) 5-6 Man: Rock back R, recover L (bring R arm to lady’s R shoulder as she turns) Lady: Step forward R (to RLOD), turn ½ turn L weight on L (facing LOD) 7&8 Both shuffle forward (to LOD) R, L, R (Rejoin L arms)
Shuffle side, Rock, Recover, Shuffle side, Rock, Recover 1&2 Shuffle side L, R, L 3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L 5&6 Shuffle side R, L, R 7-8 Rock back on L, recover R
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle (optional full turn) 1-2 Walk forward L, R 3&4 Shuffle forward L, R, L 5-6 Walk forward R, L 7&8 Shuffle forward R, L, R (optional full turn(s) for the lady or both on last 8 counts)
Begin Again February 2017