Our Kinda Night
Choreographed by Barb & Dave Monroe (www.poconocowboy.com ) - Feb 2014 BarbBoogie@yahoo.com or poconocowboy@yahoo.com Description 32-count intermediate pattern partner circle dance Same footwork for both man and lady. Start in side-by-side cape position facing LOD Music That’s My Kind Of Night - Luke Bryan
RIGHT SHUFFLE, LEFT SHUFFLE, RIGHT ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE TURN 1/2 RIGHT 1&2 Step R diagonally forward, lock L behind, step R forward 3&4 Step L diagonally forward, lock R behind, step L forward 5-6 Rock R forward, recover to L 7&8 Shuffle back R-L-R turning 1/2 turn R (RLOD) Note: Alternative for counts 1-4 Right wizard (1-2&), Left wizard (3-4&)
LEFT ROCK, RECOVER, COASTER, RIGHT ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE TURN 1/4 RIGHT 1-2 Rock L forward, recover to R 3&4 L coaster step 5-6 Rock R forward, recover to L 7&8 Shuffle side R-L-R turning 1/4 turn R (ILOD) B reak R hands on 6, Bring L hands over lady’s head on 7, rejoin hands at man’s waist on 8
LEFT CROSS, STEP RIGHT, WEAVE, RIGHT SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, WEAVE 1-2 Cross L over R, step R to side 3&4 Behind-side-cross L-R-L 5-6 Side rock R, recover to L 7&8 Behind-side-cross R-L-R
LEFT SIDE ROCK, CROSS SHUFFLE, TURN, TURN, WALK, WALK 1-2 Side Rock L, recover to R 3&4 Cross Shuffle stepping L over R, R to side, L over R 5 Step R back with 1/4 L turn (RLOD) 6 Step L forward with 1/2 L turn (LOD) 7-8 Walk R, Walk L Raise L hands over lady’s head on 5, break R hands on 6, rejoin hands on count 8 REPEAT April 2014