Our Destiny
Choreographed byMoses Bourassa Jr. & Barbara Frechette 508-993-3258 ~ countrydejay@aol.com Description 32 count....Beginners/intermediate .... Partner/Circle Dance Starts in Closed Social Position., Male face OLOD,Female face ILOD Opposite Footwork.... Unless Noted!!!! Music God Made Stars - Hal Ketchum Man Lady Side Shuffle, Weave, Rock Step,Recover,1/4 CW Turing Shuffle 1-2 Step left to left side, step right next to left Step right to right side, step left next to right 3&4 Step left to left side, step quickly with right Step right to right side, step quickly with left next next to left, step left to left side to right, step right to right side 5-6 Cross rock Rt over left, step Lt to Lt side Cross rock Lt over Rt, step Rt to Rt side 7&8 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step left behind right, step right to right cross right over left side, cross left over right
Fwd Step,1/2 CW Turn ,Fwd Shuffle, Side Rock Step, Recover Step, Sailor Shuffle Release hands, man’s left hand and Lady’s right hand on step 2. Release hands, Man’s right hand and Lady’s Left hand on Step 5. Rejoin hands, Man’s left hand and lady’s right hand on step 6. Now be in a Sweetheart Position after step 6.1-2 Rock Lt to Lt side, recover on Rt Rock Rt to Rt side, recover on Lt making 1/4 CW Turn making 1/4 CCW Turn 3&4 Shuffle forward L-R-L Shuffle forward R-L-R 5-6 Step forward on Rt, step Lt Step forward on Lt, step right making 1/2 CCW Turn making 1/2 CW Turn 7&8 Forward shuffle R-L-R forward shuffle L-R-L
Weave, Cross Rock Step, Recover Step,1/4 CCW Turing Shuffle1-2 Step left diagonally forward, lock Step right diagonally forward, lock right behind left l eft behind right 3&4 Step left diagonally forward, lock right Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind left, step left diagonallly forward behind right, step right diagonallly forward 5-6 Step right diagonally forward, lock Step left diagonally forward, lock left behind right right behind left 7&8 Step right diagonally forward, lock left Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind right, step right diagonally forward behind left, step left diagonally forward
Side Rock Step, Recover Steps, Sailor Shuffle, Rock Step,1/2 CCW Turn, Step Release Man’s right hand and Lady’s left hand on step 2. Rejoin Man’s left hand and Lady’s right hand on step 3. Take Lady’s left in Man’s right hands and Lady’s right in man’s left on Step 6. back into Closed Social Position for Steps 7&8.1-2 . Step Lt fwd, step Rt making 1/2 CW Turn Step Rt forward, step Lt making 1/2 CCW Turn 3-4 Step left forward, scuff right Step right forward, scuff left 5-6 Step fwd on Rt, step Lt making 1/4 CCW Turn Step fwd on Lt, step Rt making 1/4 CW Turn 7&8 Cross right over left, step quickly with left to Cross left over right, step quickly with right to left side, cross right over left. right side, cross left over right End of Dance
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk | July 2007 |