Choreographed by Mick Cook
Description  Partner Dance, Sweetheart Position – Both on Same footwork 
Music  Big Cars - Heather Myles124 bpm
Nashville’s Gone Hollywood - Heather Myles144 bpm
Sweet Little Dangerous - Heather Myles156 bpm

1-8 	Four forward heel-toe struts starting with right

1-4 	Right step forward, lock left behind right. Right step forward, left brush forward
5-8 	Left step forward, right lock behind left. Left step forward ,left brush forward
1-4 	Right step across left, left step back. Right step right, left touch next to right
5-8 	Left step left right step behind left. Left step left, right touch next to left
1-2 	Right step right, left step behind right
3-4 	Right step quarter turn right, left touch next to right (OLOD)
5-8 	Left step left, right touch next to left. Light step right, left touch next to right
1-2 	Left step left, right cross behind left
3 	Left step left making ¼ turn left
	(let go of left hands, bring right hand over ladies head)
4 	Right brush forward making ¼ turn left (drop right hands down behind man,
	Lady is now behind man) both facing inside of the circle (i.l.o.d.)
5-6 	Right step right, left cross behind right
7 	Right step right ¼ turn right
	(bring right hands back over ladies head and resume sweetheart position)
8 	Brush left forward now facing LOD
1-4 	Left rock forward, rock back onto right. Left step back ,hold one beat
5-8 	Right rock back, rock forward onto left. Right step forward, hold one beat

1-4 	Step forward on left, kick right forward. Right step back, left toe touch across right
5-8 	Step forward on left, kick right forward. Right step back, left toe touch across right

1-4 	Left step forward, right lock behind left. Left step forward, right brush forward
5-8 	Right rock forward, rock back onto left. Right rock back ,rock forward onto left

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Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk Augist 2003