One Promise Too Late
Choreographed by Angela & Peter Kimber – 2016 – 01993 831248 Description 56 count partner dance - Opposite feet throughout – Man’s steps listed, Start holding inside hands facing LOD – 16 count intro Music One Promise Too Late - Reba McEntire (CD: Reba #1’s)
1-8 L ong step back,touch,shuffle fwd,side rock,recover,cross shuffle changing places 1-4 Long step back LT,touch RT in front,shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT 5-8 Rock LT to side,recover,cross shuffle LT,RT,LT passing behind lady (Change hands as pass)
9-16 Long Step Back,Touch,Shuffle Fwd,Side Rock,Cross,Side,Close 9-12 L ong step back RT,touch LT in front,shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT 13-16 Man: Rock RT to side,recover,cross RT over LT,step LT to side,close RT Lady: Rock LT to side,recover,triple step LT,RT,LT with ½ turn RT (to RLOD) (Pick up in Closed Western)
17-24 Rock Fwd,Recover,Shuffle Back,Rock Back,Recover,Shuffle Fwd 17-20 Rock LT fwd,recover,Shuffle back LT,RT,LT 18-24 Man: Rock RT back,shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT Lady: Rock LT fwd,recover, shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT with ½ turn LT (to LOD) (Release as Lady turns & pick up in Skaters)
25-32 Step,Lock,Step X 2 Down LOD, Step ¼ Turn RT,Close,Shuffle Back With ¼ Turn RT 25-28 Step LT fwd,lock RT behind,Step LT fwd, step RT fwd,lock LT behind,step RT fwd 29-32 Step LT with ¼ turn RT(to OLOD),close RT,shuffle back LT,RT,LT with ¼ turn RT (to RLOD) Lady: Step RT with ¼ turn LT(to ILOD),close LT,shuffle back RT,LT,RT with ¼ turn LT (to RLOD) (Release RT hands as turn & pick up in VW – RT hands on top)
33-40 Step Back,Lock,Shuffle Back,Back Rocking Chair 33-36 Step RT back,lock LT in front,shuffle back RT,LT,RT 37-40 Rock LT back,recover,rock LT fwd,recover
41-44 Shuffle With ½ Turn LT X 2 - Travelling Down LOD 41-44 Shuffle LT,RT,LT with ½ turn LT, shuffle RT,LT,RT with ½ turn LT (to RLOD) (Release hands as turn & pick up inside hands)
45-48 Step Back,Touch,Step Side With ¼ Turn To Face Partner,Touch 45- 48 Step LT back,touch RT,step RT to side with ¼ turn LT to face partner,touch Lt Lady: Step RT back,touch LT,step LT to side with ¼ turn RT to face partner,touch RT (Join in double hand hold for Pinwheel – slightly offset LT to LT shoulders)
49-56 (Pinwheel) Shuffle Fwd,Step Fwd X 2,Shuffle Fwd, Step To Side With ¼ Turn To LOD,CLOSE 49-56 Shuffle LT,RT,LT fwd,step RT,LT fwd,shuffle RT,LT,RT fwd turning to end facing ILOD Step LT to side with ¼ turn RT (to LOD),CLOSE RT together Lady: Shuffle RT,LT,RT fwd,step LT,RT fwd,shuffle LT,RT,LT fwd to end facing OLOD Step RT to side with ¼ turn LT (to LOD),CLOSE LT together (Release outside hands as turn to LOD & keep inside hands ready to Start Again January 2017