Choreographed by Carol Hill
Description 64 Count, Partner Dance
Music One Night At A Time - George Strait  [32 count Intro]

Man Lady
1-2 Step forward Left Step back Right
3-4 Step forward Right Step back Left
5-6 Step side left on Left, Close with the Right Step side right on Right, Close with the Left


Step forward Left

Step back Right
9-10 Step forward Right Step back Left
11-12 Step side left on Left, Close with the Right Step side right on Right, Close with the Left
13-14 Step on Left, Touch Right Step on Right, Touch Left
15-16 Step on Right, Touch Left beside Step on Lt, Hitch Rt turning 1/2 Lt into wrap position

Vine left and touch Right rolling partner to her right
Roll away from partner in three steps R-L-R, Touch Left, hands joined
21-24 Vine right and stomp Left (four steps to change feet)
winding partner back into wrap position
Roll back into wrap position in three steps L-R-L,
Touch Right


Step Right, touch Left, step Left, touch Right, raising
hands above head into cathedral position (open
position) changing hands

Step Rt, touch Lt, step Lt, touch Rt, raising hands
above head into cathedral position (in open position),
changing hands
29-32 Rolling vine to the right together R-L-Right, touch Left
(right hands joined)
Rolling vine to the right together R-L-Rt, touch Left
(right hands joined)
33-36 Step Left, Touch Right, Step Right, Touch Left Step Left, Touch Right, Step Right, Touch Left
37-40 Vine left three steps L-R-L, touch Right, ending right
shoulder to right shoulder with right hands joined
Roll 1 1/2 turn left to end facing partner,L-R-L, touch
Right, right hand to right hand, right shoulder to right shoulder


Step 1/4 right on Right, Touch Left beside Right

Step 1/4 right on Right, Touch Left beside Right
43-44 Step 1/4 left on Left (back to shoulder to shoulder),
Touch Right beside Left
Step 1/4 left on Left (back to shoulder to shoulder),
Touch Right beside Left
45-48 Rolling vine to the right (away from each other)
R-L-R, Touch Left ending left hand to left hand
Rolling vine to the right (away from each other) 
three steps R-L-R, Touch Lt, ending Lt hand to Lt hand
49-52 Rolling vine to the left (away from each other) L-R-L,  stomp Right (four steps to change feet) catching lady
in a weave position
Rolling vine to the left three steps L-R-L, T ouch Rt
ending in closed dance position but hip to hip
53-56 Long steps forward Left, Right in a weave position
(man facing four o'clock)
Long steps back Right, Left in a weave position 
(lady facing ten o'clock)
57-58 Step Left, Close Right in closed dance position LOD Step Right, Close Left in a closed dance position LOD
59-62 Long steps forward Left, Right in a weave position
(Man facing eight o'clock)
Long steps back Right, Left in a weave position 
(lady facing two o'clock) 
63-64 Step Left, Close Right in closed dance position LOD Step Right, Close Left in a closed dance position LOD, 
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2003