One Little Kiss (2 Pages)

Choreographed by 	Gay & Alson Normand Godin, Canada (2016)
Description 	64 Count Intermediate Partner Dance , Position Right Skaters LOD
		The steps of the man and the lady are of the same type except, if indicated
Music 		One Little Kiss - Jake Owen
		One Little Kiss / Dallas Smith - Intro of 16 accounts
	Man Lady
1-8 	M: Walk, Walk , Walk , B rush, V ine To Right , B rush ,
	L: Walk, Walk, Walk, 1/4 Turn And Brush, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Step, Brush ,
1-2 	Step forward - right forward Release L hands
3-4 	Step forward - Brush right over 			Step fwd - 1/4 turn R and brush R over OLOD
	partners change sides, the lady goes behind the man
5-6 	R to R - Cross the left behind right  		1/2 turn R stepping fwd - 1/4 turn R, step L next to R
	Position Hammerlock face LOD man outside, L hands before the lady and man R hands behind
7-8 	Step right fwd, Brush left over 			Step forward - Brush left over
9-16 M: Step, 1/4 Turn , 1/4 Turn, Touch, 1/4 Turn , 1/4 Turn, Step, Touch
	L: Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Touch, 1 / 4 turn, Step, 1/4 turn, Touch,
	Let go right hands, the lady passes under the L arm
1-2 	Step forward - 1/4 turn left  and right to right 	Step fwd L - 1/4 turn to the left and L-R
	Position Indian, facing ILOD man behind the lady Do not let go
3-4 	1/4 turn left and left beside right - Point right beside L
	Position Sweetheart, facing RLOD partners change sides, the lady walks past the man
	Release L hands move the right arm above the head of the lady
5-6 	1/4 turn right and Step fwd –			1/4 turn to the left and right behind - left over O.LOD
	1/4 turn to the R and L fwd LOD
7-8 	Step forward – point Left next to right 		1/4 turn to the left and right forward -point L next to R
	Position Sweetheart, facing LOD
17-24 	Step, Touch , Back , Hook, Step, 1/2 turn, 1/4 turn, Touch ,
1 -2 	Step forward – Point Right next to left
3-4 	Step back - hook the left front of R Release R hands man passes under the L arm
5-6 	Step forward - 1/2 turn left and right behind RLOD the lady passes under the L arm
7-8 	1/4 turn left and left to left - P anointed D beside left
	Position Indian, facing OLOD man behind the lady
25-32 	M: (Side , T ouch ) X2 , Vine To Right, T ouch ,
	L: (Side, Touch) X2, Rolling Vine To Right, Touch
1-2 	Step right to right – Point L next to right
3 -4 	left to left - Point R beside left lady pass under the arms in position Tulip
5-6 	Step right - Cross the left behind the right 		1/4 turn R stepping fwd - 1/2 turn to R and L back LOD 
7-8 	RF right - P anointed G next to right 		1/4 turn to right and right to right - point left next to R 
	Position Indian , Facing OLOD man behind the lady

33-40 	M: Rock Step, Point, Touch, 1/4 Turn, Step, Step, Point ,
	L: Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Point, Together , 1/4 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Back, Point ,
	Do not let go of hands, pass the left arm above the head of the lady
1-2 	Rock left forward - Return on right		step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn right
	Position Cross Double hand Hold the left hands on top man face OLOD and lady facing ILOD
3-4 	point left to left – point R next to right 		Point left to left - left beside right
	Do not let go your hands the lady passes under the left arm and then under the R arm 
5-6 	1/4 turn left and left front - PD Vant 		1/4 turn right and PD front - 1/2 turn to the right and left back 
	position Window, man facing LOD and lady facing RLOD
7-8 	Step forward - Pointe D right 			right behind - Point left to left

41-48 	M: Step , 1/4 Turn, Behind, 1/4 Turn , ( Step, Point ) X2,
	L: 1/2 Turn , 1/4 Turn , 1/4 Turn, Step, 1/2 Turn, Point, Back, Point .
	position Window Do not let go, pass left hands above the head of the lady
1-2 	Step fwd - 1/4 turn to the right and left to left 	1/2 turn left stepping fwd - 1/4 turn to L and R fwd
	position Cross Double hand Hold, L hands on top Man facing OLOD and lady facing ILOD Release R hands
3-4 	Cross the right behind L - 1/4 turn L and L to LOD 	1/4 turn to right and left fwd - right over LOD
	the lady passes under the L arm
5-6 	Step forward - point left 			1/2 turn right stepping behind – Point R
	Position Closed, man facing LOD and lady facing RLOD
7-8 	Step forward - Point right to right 		right behind - Point left to left
49-56	 M: Rock Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn , Step, Point, Step, Point ,
	L: Back Rock Step, Step , 1/2 Turn, Back, Point, Back, Point ,
1-2 	Rock right forward - recover to left 		Rock left behind - back on right
	Release the lady’s left mans right, Lady passes under left arm man under his right
3-4 	1/4 turn right and step right to 			Step forward - 1/2 turn left and step right back  
	1/4 turn to the right and left over
	position Closed, man face RLOD and lady facing LOD
5-6 	Step forward - Point left 			left behind - Point right
7-8 	Step forward - Point right 			right behind - Point left to left
57-64 	M: Rock Step, 1/4 Turn, Together , 1/4 Turn , Walk , Walk , Touch
	L: Back Rock Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Walk, Walk, Walk.
1-2 	Rock right forward – Back on Left 		Rock back left, Fwd on right
	Release the man R and lady’s L ,Lady passes under the L arm of man
3-4 	1/4 turn to right and right to right – 		1/4 turn left stepping forward
	left beside right ILOD				1/2 turn left and P D behind OLOD
	partners change sides, the lady walks past the man down the R arms of the lady
	and to change R hand in R hand
5-6 1	/4 turn right and right front - step fwd 		1/4 turn left stepping forward - right over
	Resume the starting position, facing LOD
7-8 	step forward - P anointed G next to right 		Step forward - step forward
	the step Are of the same type				January 2017