On Line

Choreographed by 	Claude Martin – Germaine Lemieux
Description 	Partner - Beginner – 32 counts – Same footwork Indian Position O.L.O.D.
Music 		On Line - Brad Pasley
		Intro : 32 counts
1-8 	Step Touch, Step Touch, Side Behind, Step ¼ Turn, Scuff
1-2 	step left F left, touch right F beside
3-4 	step right F right, touch left F beside
5-6 	step left F left, step right F behind
	Release left arm, rise right arm over lady's head, recover left arm at waist level
7-8	step ¼ turn left, scuff forward right F LOD
9-16 	Step ¼ Turn, Touch, Step, Touch, Step behind, Step ¼ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Scuff
	keeping both hands, waist level
1-2 	step right F ¼ turn left, touch left F beside ILOD
3-4 	Step left F left, touch right F beside
5-6 	step right F right, step left F behind
	keeping right hand in front of lady, left behind man's back
7-8 	step right F ¼ turn right, scuff left F forward LOD
17-24 	H: Step, Step, Step, Hold, Step ½ Turn, (Step Back x 2), Hold
	F: Step ¼ Turn, Step ½ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Hold, Step ½ Turn, (Step Back x 2), Hold
	raise right hands over lady's head, Release left hands but man leave your left hand
	behind your back, bring right hands down in front of lady, recover lady's left hand in your back
1-4 	H : walk L R L, hold
	F : step left F ¼ turn, step right F ½ turn, step left F ¼ turn right, hold
	transfer right hands in man's back, left hands in front of lady
5-8 	step right F back ½ turn left, step left F, right F back, hold RLOD
25-32 	H: Step Back, Step ½ turn, Step, Pause, Step ¼ Turn, Side Cross, Hold
	F: Step Back, Step ½ turn, Step, Pause, Step ¼ Turn, Step ½ Turn, Cross Hold
	doing ½ turn, recover reverse skater position
1-4 	step left ½ back, right F ½ turn right, left F forward, hold LOD
	Release left hand, bring right hands up, recover left hands, Indian position
5-8 	H: step right F ¼ turn right crossing over left, left F left, right F cross over left, hold
	F: step right F ¼ turn left, left F ½ turn left, right F cross over left, hold OLOD