On A Mission (2 Pages)

Choreographed by 	Johanne Rutherford & François Cournoyer, Canada (2017)
Description 	Beginner-Intermediate Partner Dance 64 Accounts
		Closed Position Man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
		The steps of the man and the woman are of the opposite type except, if indicated
Music: 		Missing - William Michael Morgan Intro 32 accounts
Video 		https://vimeo.com/197444758
	Man 					Lady
1-8 	M: Shuffle Fwd, Step , Touch, Shuffle Fwd , Shuffle Fwd ,
	F: Shuffle Back, Back, Touch, Shuffle Back, Shuffle Back,
1&2 	Shuffle left, right, left , advancing 		Shuffle right, left, right, backwards
3-4 	Step forward - Touch left beside right 		Left behind - Point R beside left
5&6 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing		Shuffle right, left, PD, stepping back
7&8 	Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 		Shuffle left, right, left, back
9-16 	Back Rock Step 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn , Do not let go
1-2 	1/4 turn left Rock left behind - back on right	1/4 turn right and rock right behind - recover to left 
	Position Closed Promenade, Facing ILOD Man R of lady and L hand of man in front
	Man Left of the lady in the back of human R Hand of the man behind lady
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing		Shuffle right, left, right, advancing
5-6 	Rock right forward - back on 			Rock forward Left - back on right
	Release the R hand of the Man and the L hand of the lady
7&8 	Shuffle R-L-R, 1/2 turn right 			Shuffle L-R-L, 1/2 turn left
	Position left Open Promenade facing OLOD
17-24 	Rock Step, Triple 1/4 turn, Back Rock Step, Triple Step,
1-2 	Rock left forward - back on the 			Rock right forward - recover to left
3&4 	Triple step left, right, left, 1/4 turn left 		Triple step right, left, right, 1/4 turn right
	Position Open Double Hand Hold man facing LOD and Lady facing RLOD
5-6 	Rock right behind - recover to left 		Rock left behind - back on right
7&8 	Triple step R-L-R, In Place 			Triple Step L-R-L, In place
25-32 	M Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Step , Point, Shuffle Fwd
	L Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Point, Shuffle Fwd,
	not letting go, the woman passes under the L arm of man
1-2 	Rock left behind - back on the right 		Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn left
	Position Wrap, facing LOD
3&4 	Shuffle L-R-L fwd 				Shuffle R-L-R fwd
5-6 	Step forward - Touch left to left 			Step forward - Point right to right
7&8 	Shuffle L-R-L, fwd 				Shuffle R-L-R, fwd
33-40 	M: Walk, Walk, Triple Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Triple Step ,
	L: 1/2 Turn, Back, Coaster Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Triple Step,
	not letting go, leaving the position Wrap lady pass under the L arm of the man
1-2 	step forward - step forward 			1/2 turn to the right and left back - R behind
	Position Open Double hand Hold, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
3&4 	Triple step right, left, right , on site 		left behind - right next to left - left forward
	Release the L hand of the lady and man's R hand man’s R passes under the arm of the Lady 
	and under his left arm
5-6 	1/4 turn left stepping fwd - 1/4 turn to the left 	1/4 turn right stepping forward –
	and right behind 				1/4 turn right stepping back
	Position One Hand Hold, man facing RLOD and woman facing LOD
7&8 	Triple step left, right, left, up on 		Triple step right, left, right, on site
41-48 	M: Turn 1/4, Back, Together, Side , Cross , Side Rock Step, Cross Shuffle ,
	L: Step, 1/4 Turn, Triple 1/2 Turn, Step Side Rock, Cross Shuffle,
	Man’s R passes under the arm of the Lady under his L arm
1-2 	1/4 turn to the left and right forward - left behind 	Step forward - 1/4 turn right stepping forward
	Position left Open Promenade, face OLOD
3&4 	Step right to left side – L to L - cross R over L 	Triple step L-R-L, 1/2 turn right
	Position Open Double hand Hold, man facing OLOD and woman face to ILOD
5-6 	Rock left to left - back on the right 		Rock right to right - recover to left
7&8 	Cross L over R - R to R - cross L over R		Cross right over left - left to left - cross right over left
49-56 	Side Rock Step 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd ,
	Release the man L hand and the woman R
1-2 	Rock right right - 1/4 turn left and recover on left 	Rock left to left - 1/4 turn right and back onto right 
	Position right Open Promenade facing LOD
3&4 	Shuffle R-L-R Fwd, 				Shuffle L-R-L, fwd Release hands
5-6 	1/2 turn to the right and left back 		1/2 turn left and right behind
	1/2 turn right stepping forward 			1/2 turn left stepping forward
	Position Right Open Promenade facing LOD
7&8 S	huffle left, right, left advancing 			Shuffle right, left, right forward

57-64 	M: Rock Step, Coaster Step, Walk , Walk, Walk, Walk.
	L: Rock Step, Coaster Step, 1/2 Turn, Back, Back, Back.
1-2 	Rock right forward - recover to left 		Rock forward - back on right
3&4 	Right behind - left beside right - right over 		Left back - step right beside left - Step forward
	the lady passes under the R arm of the man and under his L arm
5-6 	Step forward - right over 			1/2 turn right stepping back - left back
	Resume the starting position, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
7-8 	Step forward - right over 			Step back - Step back
Tag 	at this point of the dance
Tag 	After the second dance routine
1-8 	M: Rock Step, Shuffle Back, Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd ,
	L: Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn Shuffle And Back ,
1-2 R	ock forward - back on the PD 			Rock right behind - recover to left
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, backwards S		huffle right, left, right, advancing
	Release lady’s L hand man’s R the lady passes under the L arm of the man and under his R arm
5-6 	Rock right behind - recover to left 		Step forward - Pivot 1 / 2 turn right  LOD
7&8	 Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 1		/2 turn right Shuffle left, right, left, back
	Position One Hand Hold, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
9-16 	M: Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn And Shuffle Back , Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd ,
	L: Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Step, Shuffle Back.
	Change to R hand of man Lady’s L, Man goes under the lady’s L arm and under his R
1-2 S	tep left forward - pivot 1/2 turn right   RLOD 	Rock the right back - recover to left
3&4 	1/2 turn right and Shuffle L-R-L, back LOD 		Shuffle R-L-R, forward
	Resume the starting position, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
5-6 	Rock right behind - recover to left 		Rock forward - back on right
7&8 	Shuffle right, left, right, advancing		 Shuffle left, right, left , recoiling
	Restart dance from the beginning				January 2017