Oh Fiona

Choreographed by 	Tina Argyle (UK) Aug 2013 - www.tinaargyle.com
Description 	2 wall,32 count Beginner Line Dance
Music 		Fiona - Sean Patrick McGraw - Start with lyrics

	Left Weave, Side Rock Cross. Right Rumba Box
1&2& 	Step left to left side, Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left.
3&4 	Rock left to left side, Recover weight onto right, Cross left over right.
5&6 	Step right to right side, Close left at side of right, Step forward right
*** Wall 3 Re-Start here facing 12 o’clock ***
7&8 	Step left to left side, Close right at side of left, Step back left.

	Right Weave, Side Rock Cross. Side Step Rock Back x2
1&2& 	Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right.
3&4 	Rock right to right side, Recover weight onto left, Cross right over left.
*** Wall 7 Tag Here facing 6 o’clock. - Step left to left side, step right at side of left then
Re-Start ***
5 	Step left to left side - (it will feel like a hold here as you are not using the "&" count)
6& 	Rock right behind left, recover weight onto left.
7 	Step right to right side - (it will feel like a hold here again as you are not using the "&" count)
8& 	Rock left behind right, Recover weight onto left.

	Side Strut, Cross Strut. Left Coaster Step. Right Charleston Step. Left Coaster Step.
1& 	Touch left toe to left side (angling body to left diagonal), Drop left heel to the floor taking weight.
2& 	Touch right toe across left (still facing left diagonal), Drop right heel to the floor taking weight.
3&4 	Square up to 12 o’clock stepping back left, Close right at side of left, Step forward left
5 - 6 	Touch right toe forward, Step back on right.
7&8 	Step back left, close right at side of left, Step forward left.

	Right Vine ¼ Turn, Hitch. Left Vine ¼ Turn, ½ Turn Hitch. Walk Fwd x3, Hitch.
	Step Hitch, Step Hitch
1&2 	Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping fwd right (3 o’clock)
& 	Hitch left knee
3&4 	Step left to left side, cross right behind, ¼ turn left stepping fwd left (12 o’clock)
& 	Hitch right knee spinning ½ a turn left on the ball of left foot to face 6 o’clock
5&6 	Step fwd right, Step fwd left, Step fwd right
&7 	Hitch left knee, Step fwd left
&8 	Hitch right knee, Step fwd right
& 	Hitch left knee. (Left steps from the hitch straight into the beginning of the dance)
	ENJOY!!						October 2013