Choreographed by Jeff & Thelma Mills 01886 821772
Description  Partner Dance: - 64 Count Double open hand position, Gent facing OLOD, Lady facing ILOD,
Mans footwork listed - Lady opposite footwork unless stated
Music  Tired of Getting My Butt Kicked - BelIamy Brothers 145 bpm - CD. The 25 Year Collection

1-8 	Step Touches x 2, Vine Cross.
1-2 	Step left to left side. Touch right next to left
3-4 	Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.
5-6 	Step left to left side. Step right behind left.
7 8 	Step left to left side Step and cross right over left
9-16 	Side. Hold. Rock Step x 2.
9-10 	Step left to left side. Hold
11-12 	Rock right behind left Recover onto left.
13-14 	Step right to right side Hold
15-16 	Rock left behind right Recover onto Right
17-24 	1/2, Turn and Change Sides. 1/4. Turn Step Slide. Hitch
	Man 					Lady
17-18 	Step forward L.. Step R 1/4 turn L 			Step forward R Step L 1/4, turn R
19-20 	Step L 1/4 turn L. Touch R next to L 			Step R 1/4, turn R. Touch L next to R
21-22 	Step R 1/4 turn R. Slide left next to R. 			Step L 1/4 turn L. Slide right next to left
23-24 	Step forward R. Hitch L into LOD 			Step forward L. Hitch R. into LOD
Note 	Counts 17, release mans right & lady’s left hands and raise mans left. lady’s right hands and during counts
	17.19 lady to travel in front of man and turn under raised arm, you have now changed sides with man
	facing ILOD and lady facing OLOD
25-32 	Rock Steps. Hold. Slow Coaster Step 1/4. Turn. Hold
25-26 	Step and rock onto left. Recover back onto right
27-28 	Step and rock back onto left, Hold
29-30 	Step back onto right. Step left next to right
31-32 	Step forward right 1/4 turn right to face OLOD. Hold
Note 	On Count 32 release inside hands
33-40 	Both: 3/4 Turn. Hold. Gent: Basic. Hold, Lady: 1/2 Turn, Hold. into Closed Position.
33 	Step L 1/4 turn right to face RLOD 			Step R 1/4 turn left to face RLOD
34 	Pivot 1/2, turn R Stepping forward onto R 			Pivot 1/2 turn L stepping forward onto L
35-36 	Step forward onto L into LOD. Hold 			Step forward onto R into LOD, Hold
37-38 	Step forward R. L 				Step forward L Pivot 1/2 turn L
						stepping back onto R to face RLOD
39-40 	Step forward R. Hold 				Step back onto L. Hold
Note 	Count 35 man to pick up lady’s right hand with his right and lady to travel in front of man and
	turn under raised arms. Count 38 change hands above lady’s head and go into closed position
41-48 	Basic Pattern DLOD, Hold x 2 .
41-42 	Step forward left. Step forward right
43-44 	Step forward left Hold
45-46 	Step forward right. Step forward left
47-48 	Step forward Right, Hold
Note 	On count 48 release man’s right, lady’s left arm
49-56 	1/2 Turn and Change Sides. Hold. Rotate 1/2 Turn. Hold.
49-50 	Step forward L. Step back onto R 1/4 turn L 		Step forward R. Step forward onto L 1/4 turn R.
51-52 	Step L to side 1/4 turn L to RLOD. Hold 			Step forward R 1/4 turn R to LOD Hold
53-56 	Rotate 1/2 turn right R,L.R, to LOD, Hold 			Rotate 1/2 turn right L.R,L to RLOD. Hold
Note 	On Count 49 raise mans left arm, lady’s right' and during counts 49-51 man to turn under raised
	arms and the lady to travel around back of man, you have now changed sides and finish with mans left.
	lady’s right hands at waist height
	During counts 53-56 change hands at waist, mans right to lady’s right
57-64 	Gent: Basic. Hold. Lady: 1 1/2 Turns, Hold. Both: Step Slide 1/4. Turn. Hold.
57 	Step forward L 				Pivot 1/2 turn R stepping forward R
58 	Step forward R, 				Pivot 1/2 turn R stepping back on left,
59-60 	Step forward L. Hold 				Pivot 1/2 turn R stepping forward R to LOD. Hold,
61-62 	Step forward R. Step and slide L to R 			Step forward L.. Step and slide R to L
63-64 	Step forward R 1/4 turn R Hold, 			Step forward L 1/4 turn L.. Hold
Note 	Count 57 raise right hands and go Into right Side by Side position on count 59 and return
	into Double Open hand position on count 64
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert June 2005