Nichols & Dimes

Choreographed by 	Diane Jackson – Arjjaze Country Western Dancers – 01405 860993 (2003)   –
Description	 64 count partner dance. Start in right side by side, same footwork except where stated
Music  		Can’t hold a halo to you – Joe Nichols 82 bpm - CD - Man with a memory
		When I touch you – Travis Tritt 84 bpm - CD - T.R.O.U.B.L.E 
		Nobody Knows - Kevin Sharp 89 bpm - CD Measure of a Man [or any slow Stroll]

1-8 	Progressive Weave 1/4 Turn
	Step left to left side diagonal 45° left, right behind left, step left to left side, step forward on right
	Step left over right diagonal 45° right, right to right side, left behind right, step right to right side turning 1/4 right
	[Man now behind Lady both facing OLOD]
9-16 	Left Vine, Touch. Right Vine, Touch [Lady’s Full Turn Right]
	Step left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, touch right next to left
	Step right to right side, left behind right, right to right side, touch left next to right
	[Lady 3 step RLR, full turn right under raised left arm, touch left next to right]
17-24 	Rocking Chair, Man Rock Step, Step Together –[Lady Step Pivot Step Touch]
	Both - Rock forward on left, back on right, rock back on left, forward on right
	Man – Rock forward on left, back on right, step back on left Step right next to left [weight on]
	[release right hands, take left over lady’s head as she turn to face, pick up into double hand hold]
	Lady – Step forward on left, pivot 1/2 turn right, step forward on left, touch right next to left
	[Now on opposite footwork, Man facing OLOD, Lady facing ILOD, Double hand hold]
25-32 	Left Vine, Right Vine 1/4 Turn [Lady Right Vine, Left 3/4 Turn Into Wrap] Touch.
	Man – Step left to side, right behind left, left to left side, touch right next to left
	Lady - Step right to right side, left behind right, right to right side, touch left next to right
	Man – Step right to right side, left behind right turning 1/4 left LOD, step right next to left, touch left next to right
	[take lady’s right arm/mans left over lady’s head as she turns left into right side wrap, you will both end facing LOD]
	Lady – Step to left side as you start 3/4 turn to the left, under raised right arm into wrap facing LOD, touch right

33-40 	Man – Rock Steps, Step together, walk fwd x 4, Side, - Lady –Rock Step, Full Turn Right In Front Of Man, Walk Walk
	Man – Rock back on left, forward on right, step forward on left, step right next to left, walk forward LRLR 
	[Keeping hold of hands raise arms over lady’s head from right side, to left sided wrap moving forward
	Lady turns right across & in front of man]                	
	Lady – Rock back on right, forward on left as you start a full turn right across in front of man  moving forward step RLRL
	to end on mans left side in wrap left arm on top,  Walk forward, right, left
41-48 	Man- Step Touch X 2,Left Vine Touch –Lady Step Touch X 2, 1/2 Turn Out Of Wrap Touch.
	Man – Step forward on left, touch right next to left, step forward on right, touch left next to right
	Lady – Step forward on right, touch left next to right, step forward on left, touch right next to left
	Man – Step left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, touch right next to left
	[raise left arm over lady’s head as she comes out of wrap to end facing man right shoulder to right shoulder]
	Lady – Step RLR turning 1/2 turn left across in front of man to face RLOD touch left next to right

49-56 	Both Pinwheel CW Touch, Man – Vine Left, Touch – Lady Vine Right, Touch
	Man – Walk forward RLR rotating 1/2 turn CW touch left next to right, now facing RLOD
	Lady – Walk forward LRL rotating 1/2 turn CW touch right next to left, now facing LOD
	Man – Step left behind right, right to right side, step left next to right, touch right next to left
	[holding left hands]
	Lady – Step right to right side, left behind right, right to right side, touch left next to right

57-64 	Man- Step Pivot, Step Touch, Walk X 3 Step Together – Lady – Rock Step, Step Touch, Walk X 3 Touch
	Man – Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn left LOD, step forward on right touch left next to right
	Lady – Rock back on left, forward on right, step forward on left, touch right next to left
	[now back in right side by side]
	Man – Walk forward LRL step right next to left [weight on]
	Lady – Walk forward RLR, touch left next to right
	Start Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
July 2003