Never Forget

Choreographer John "Grrowler" Rowell (UK) 15-Sep-04 (Rev 0)
Tel: +44 (0)1723 364736 Email:
Description 108 Count, 2 wall, Intermediate Linedance
Music "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues" CD: Elton John Greatest Hits, 1976-1986
Intro: 16 counts / 11 secs. ( Just before Main Vocals ) 80 BPM, Rotation: N/A
Numbers in square brackets [ ] indicate facing wall and turn rotation. Start facing [12]
Section 1. 	Side-behind-&-rock-recover. &-cross-unwind. Step-quarter pivot.
1-	2 Step right to right, cross left behind right. [12]
&3-4 	(&)Step right to right, cross rock left in front of right, recover on right. [12]
&5-6 	(&)Step left to left, cross right over front of left, unwind half turn left. [CCW, 6]
7-8 	Step right forward, pivot quarter turn left. [CCW, 3]
Section 2. 	Step-tap. Step-tap. Step-tap. Step-behind.
1-	2 Step right forward on right diagonal, tap left next to right. [3]
3-4 	Step left forward on left diagonal, tap right next to left. [3]
5-6 	Step right forward on right diagonal, tap left next to right. [3]
7-8 	Step left to left, cross right behind left.[3]
Section 3. 	(&)Turn-rock-recover. &-rock-recover. Quarter turn shuffle. Rock-recover.
&1-	2 (&)Step left quarter turn left, rock forward right, recover on left. [12]
&3-4 	(&)Step back on right, rock forward left, recover on right. [12]
5&6 	Step left quarter turn left [CCW], (&)step right next to left, step left to left. [9]
7-8 	Rock forward on right (pushing hips forward), recover on left (pushing hips back).[9]
Section 4. 	Right shuffle. Step-tap. Step-tap. Step-tap.
1&2	 Step right forward, (&)step left next to right, step right forward. [9]
3-4 	Step left forward on left diagonal, tap right next to left. [9]
5-6 	Step right forward on right diagonal, tap left next to right. [9]
7-8 	Step left forward on left diagonal, tap right next to left. [9]
Repeat first 32 counts facing [9]
Section 9. 	&-behind-side-cross rock. Recover-side-front. Side- back rock-recover. Quarter shuffle.
&1&	2 (&)Sweep right behind left, step on right, (&) step left to left, cross rock right over left. [6]
3&4 	Recover on left, (&)step right to right, cross left over front of right.[6]
&5-6 	(&)Step right to right, cross rock left behind right, recover on right.[6]
7&8 	Step left quarter turn left [CCW], (&)step right next to left, step left forward. [3]
Section 10. 	Forward rock-recover. Back-lock-step. Back rock-recover. Step-half pivot.
1-	2 Rock forward right, recover left.[3]
3&4 	Step back right, (&)lock left over right, step back right. [3]
5-6 	Rock back left, recover right. [3]
7-8 	Step left forward, pivot half turn right. [CW,9]
Section 11. 	Cross-rock-step. Cross-rock-step. Step-half pivot. Step-half turn.
1&2	 Cross left over right, (&)rock right to right, recover left. [9]
3&4 	Cross right over left, (&)rock left to left, recover right. [9]
5-6 	Step left forward, pivot half turn right. [CW, 3]
7-8 	Step left forward, pivot half turn left on left stepping back right. [CCW, 9]
Section 12. 	Turn step-kick. Side shuffle. Back rock-recover, Quarter turn shuffle.
1-	2 Pivot half turn left on right stepping forward left, kick right forward.[CCW, 3]
3&4 	Step right to right, (&)step left next to right, step right to right. [3]
5-6 	Rock left back behind right, recover on right. [3]
7&8 	Step left quarter turn left[CCW], (&)step right next to left, step left forward. [12]
Section 13. 	Step-half pivot. Kick-ball-cross X2. Rock-recover. Cross-unwind. Hitch-quarter turn. X2.
1-2	Step right forward, pivot half turn left. [CCW, 6]
3&4 	Kick right forward, (&)step right in place, cross left over right. [6]
5&6 	Kick right forward, (&)step right in place, cross left over right. [6]
7-8 	Rock right to right, recover left. [6]
9-10 	Cross right over front of left, unwind half turn left. [CCW, 12]
&11	 (&)Pivot quarter turn left hitching right[CCW], tap right to right. [9]
&12 	(&)Pivot quarter turn left hitching right[CCW], tap right to right. [6]
Start again………………with a BIG smile
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2004