My Maria
Choreographer  Pat & Tom Clark
Description 48 Count: Couple Flow Dance  Side by side no body contact at start
Music My Maria - Brooks & Dunn
Cannibal - Buster Poindexter

	LADY                            			MAN
1-2   	Step left  fwd and bump hips fwd twice     		Step right  fwd and  bump hips fwd twice
3-4   	Touch right  next to  right, hold 			Touch left  next to left, hold
5-6   	Step right  fwd and bump hips fwd twice    		Step left  fwd and bump hips fwd twice
7-8   	Touch left  next to left, hold   			Touch right next to right, hold
9-11  	Walk forward - left, right, left   			Walk forward - right, left, right
(as you turn to face each other, bring your arms up to rest on each others shoulders, man's on top)
12    	Turn 1/4 left (facing partner)  			Turn 1/4 right (facing partner)
13    	Touch left toes back            			Touch right toes back
14    	Step left  home             			Step right  home
15    	Touch right toes back           			Touch left toes back
16    	Step right  home            			Step left  home
17    	Touch left toes back            			Touch right toes back
18    	Touch left  next to right   			Touch right  next to left
  	(drop shoulder hold)
19-20 	Shift weight to left and bump hips twice  		Shift weight to right  and bump hips twice
21-23 	Step, slide, step to the Rt - Rt, Lt-Rt     		Step, slide, step to the  Lt-Lt, Rt-Lt
21    	Touch left  next to right   			Touch right  next to left
25-27 	Step, slide, step to the  Lt-Lt, Rt-Lt     		Step, slide, step to the  Rt - Rt, Lt-Rt
28    	Touch right  next to left   			Touch left  next to right
(as you turn pick up inside hands on count 31)
29-31 	Turn 3/4 right stepping in place-Rt, Lt Rt (RLOD)   	Turn 3/4 left stepping in place-Lt, Rt, Lt (RLOD)
32    	Touch left  to man's right in front of your body  	Touch right  to lady's left in front of your body
33    	Step left  to left side     			Step right  to right side
34    	Push weight in on ball of right			Push weight in on ball of left
35-36 	Set right heel down and bump hips right twice   	Step left heel down and bump hips left twice 
37    	Drop hands as you step left  forward   		Drop hands as you step right forward                     
38    	Pivot 1/2 right                 			Pivot 1/2 left
(move into promenade position as you complete the turn)
39-40 	Walk forward - left, right      			Walk forward - right, left
41    	Step left  forward          			Step right  forward
42    	Raise left heel straight up as you raise your right heel  	Raise right heel straight up as you raise your left heel  
     	and drag your right  forward (keep right leg fairly   	and drag your left  forward (keep left leg fairly 
	straight and bend left knee)			straight and bend right knee)
43-44 	Repeat 41-42
45-48 	Repeat 41-42
47-48 	Drop hands as you step left over right , step		Drop hands as you step right over left , step
     	right  to right side        			left  to left side

	Start again