My Eyes

Choreographed by 	Kenny & Debbie Gwartney -
Description 	32 Count/Partner Flow Dance Single hand hold, both facing forward LOD
Music: 		My Eyes - Blake Shelton
	Man Lady
	Stroll, Stroll, Rock Recover Step, Coaster Step
1&2 	Step L fwd, Step R to the L side of L, step L fwd 		Step R fwd, step L to the R side of R, step R fwd
3&4 	Step R fwd, step L to the R side of R, step R fwd 		Step L fwd, Step R to the L side of L, step L fwd
5&6 	Rock forward on L, recover back on R, step back L 		Rock forward on R, recover back on L, step back R
7&8 	Step back R, step L beside R, step forward R		L Step back L, step R beside L, step forward L
	Rock Recover Turn Cross, Side Shuffle, Rock Recover ¼ Turn, Step Turn Step
1&2 	Rock forward L, recover back R, as you 			Rock forward R, recover back L as you
	step L across R Turn ¼ turn to R, to face partner 		step R across L Turn ¼ turn to L, to face partner
3&4 	Step R to the right, L beside R, R to the right 		Step L to the left, R beside L, L to the left
5&6 	Rock L back, recover R in place, Step forward L, 		Rock R back, recover L in place, step forward R,
	turning ¼ to the right 				turn to the right as you step between the man’s feet
7&8 	Rock R behind L, turning ¼ turn to R as you 		Step L out to L side, step R in place, as
	recover L, Step R beside L 				you turn ¼ turn to R, Step L beside R
	Behind Step Cross, Side Shuffle Step, Rock Recover ¼ Turn, Step Turn Step
1&2 	Step L Behind R, Step R To Side, Step L Across R 		Step R Behind L, Step L To Side, Step R Across L
3&4 	Step R to the R, step L beside R, step R to the R 		Step L to the L, step R beside L, step L to the L
5&6 	Rock L back, recover R in place, Step forward L, 		Rock R back, recover L in place, step forward R, 
	turning ¼ To the right Turn to the right as you step 		between the man’s feet
7&8 	Rock R behind L, turning ¼ turn to R as you, 		Step L out to L side, step R in place, as you turn ¼
	recover L Step R beside L 				turn to R, Step L beside
	Rock Recover Step, Step Turn Step, Coaster Step, Stroll Step Forward
1&2 	Rock back L, behind R, recover R, Step forward L 		Rock back R, behind L, recover L, Step forward R
	as you turn ¼ turn to L 				as you turn¼ turn to R
3&4 	Step forward R, step L beside R, step back R 		Step forward L, Step back R, turning ½ turn to R, 
	(you are turning the lady, taking her right hand 		step back L, step turning ½ turn to R
	Over Her head, as you R coaster)
5&6 	Step back L, step R beside L, step forward L 		Step back R, step L beside R, step forward R
7&8 	Step R forward, step L to the R side of R, 			Step L forward, Step R to the L side of R,
	step R forward step L forward
	Start Over 						August 2021