My Alibi

Choreographed by 	Rob Ryan (May 2014)
Description 	24 Count, 2 Wall Easy Beginner Waltz Linedance
Music 		Alibis - Tracy Lawrence
	Basic Waltz Box - Back, Forward
1-3 	Step back with the right; step left with the left; step together (close right to left).
4-6 	Step forward with the left; step right with the right; step together (close left to right).
	Basic Waltz Box ½ Turn, Counterclockwise
1-3 	Step back with the right, starting a counterclockwise 1/4 turn; step back left,
	completing the turn; close right to left.
4-6 	Step forward with the left, starting a counterclockwise ¼ turn; step forward right,
	completing the turn; close left to right.
	Clockwise, 360 Degree Rolling Turn, Traveling Left, Point Right
1-3 	With your weight on your left, step right over your right shoulder, pivoting on your left, and
	turning 180 degrees, rolling left from where you began, and landing on your right;
	Continue the turn in the same direction another 180 degrees, pivoting on your right,
	and landing on your left; Close right to left. You will finish this turn with your weight on your
	right, facing the same direction you originally started, but further to the left of where you began.
4-6 	Point to the side with your left, and hold for two additional counts.
	Counterclockwise, 360 Degree Rolling Turn, Traveling Right, Point Left
1-3 	With your weight on your right, step left over your left shoulder, pivoting on your right, and
	turning 180 degrees, rolling right from where you began, and landing on your right;
	Continue the turn in the same direction another 180 degrees, pivoting on your left,
	and landing on your right; Close left to right. You will finish this turn with your weight on your left,
	facing the same direction you originally started, but further to the right of where you began.
4-6 	Point to the side with your right, and hold for two additional counts.
							May 2014