Moonlight Serenade

Choreographed by 	Jim Vivis - (814) 322-4813 ~ 
Description 	42 count, beginner/intermediate waltz partner/circle dance
		Sweetheart Position. Man and lady on same footwork
Music 		Somebody Else's Moon - Collin Raye 91bpm / In This Life
1-3 	Step left forward, Step right next to left, Step left in place
4-6 	Turning ¼ turn right step on right, Step left next to right, Step right next to left
	On count 4 man will be behind lady still in Sweetheart Position facing OLOD

1-3 	Step left to left side, Step right behind left, Rock to side on left
4-6 	Turning ¼ turn right step on right, Continue turning ½ turn right and step left back
	Step right back
	On count 4 release lady's left hand. Raise right hands above head.
	On count 5 man and lady goes under arms back to Sweetheart Position
1-3 	Step left back, Step right next to left, Step left in place
4-6 	Step right forward, Step left next to right, Step right in place

1-3 	Rock left forward at 45° angle, Recover right back, Step left forward
4-6 	Rock right forward at 45° angle, Recover left back, Step right forward

1-3 	Step left forward at 45° angle, Drag right next to left, Touch right next to left
4-6 	Turning ¼ turn right step on right, Turning ¼ turn left step on left, Turning ¼ turn left step on right
	Remain in Sweetheart Position on counts 4 and 5 on count 6 drop LT hands &
	bring Rt hands over lady's head. Pick up Lt hands behind man. You are now facing ILOD

1-3 	Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left to left side
4-6 	Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right to right side

1-3 	Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Step left behind right
4-6 	Turning ¼ turn right step right forward, Step left next to right, Step right in place
	On count 4,5,6 lady is going to do a 1 ¼ rolling turn right to get back
	into Sweetheart Position and facing LOD. Man is just doing a ¼ turn right
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2008