Monster Trucks
Choreographed by John "Grrowler" & Danniella Rowell (UK) 01/03: +44 (0)1723 364736  - 
Description  32 Count, Beginner, Partner circle / mixer dance Closed position, Man facing Outward,Lady facing Inward. Opposite feet throughout.
Music Big Boy Toys-Aaron Tippin - CD: People Like Us 
Intro 32C/17 secs, 118 BPM
Slow Hurry" by The Bellamy Brothers, CD: Redneck Girls Forever, 
Intro 16C/9 secs, 118 Bpm
Babalou - The Tractors: Fast Girl, 
Intro 24C/16 secs, 110 BPM(
Count with them 1-2-3 & continue to 8)

Man  Lady
1-8 Both: Side together, side touch. Side together, side touch
1-2 Step left to left, step right next to left Step right to right, step left next to right
3-4 Step left to left, touch right next to left Step right to right, touch left next to right
5-6 Step right to right, step left next to right Step left to left, step right next to left
7-8 Step right to right, touch left next to right  Step left to left, touch right next to left
9-16 Man: Vine ¼ turn, brush. Lady: 1¼ turn, brush. Both: Step-touch, step-touch
1 Step left to left Step right 1/4 turn right [CW]
2 Step right behind left  Pivot 1/2 right on right stepping back left [CW]
3 Step left 1/4 turn left Pivot 1/2 right on left stepping forward right [CW]
4 Brush right forward  Brush left forward
Man raises his left, ladies right for her to turn under raised arms. On count 3 gent
changes hands holding her right in his right and taking her left in his left. Finishing in
right side by side (Sweetheart) position facing LOD
5-6 Step right forward, touch left next to right Step left forward, touch right next to left
7-8 Step back left, touch right next to left  Step back on right, touch left next to right
17-24 Both: Step-lock, step-brush. Step-touch, Step-touch 
1-2 Step right forward, lock left behind right  Step left forward, lock right behind left
3-4 Step right forward, brush left forward Step left forward, brush right forward
5-6 Step left forward, touch right next to left  Step right forward, touch left next to right
7-8 Step back right, touch left next to right Step back left, touch right next to left
25-32 Both: Hip bumps, out-in-out-in. Man: ¼ turn vine. Lady: ¾ Three step turn [CW]
1 Step left slightly forward bumping hips left  Step right slightly forward bumping hips right
2-4  Bump hips right, left, right  Bump hips left, right, left
5 Step left forward 1/4 turn right Step right forward (extended 5th)
Step right behind left  Step left 1/4 turn right
Man raises his right, ladies right for her to turn under raised arms.
Man changes hands on count 6 taking ladies right hand in his left.
7 Step left to left Pivot 1/2 turn on ball of left stepping right to side
8 Step right next to left  Step left next to left
Partners return to closed position ready to start sequence again
. Man Lady
29-32 VARIATION FOR MIXER FINISH . Lady:3/4 Turn [CW] down LOD
All steps as detailed above, but release 
lady’s hands to progress to new partner.
5 Step right 1/4 turn right
6 On ball of Right pivot 1/2 right stepping left to left
7 Cross right behind left
8 Step left to left
Lady executes a 3/4 turn back down LOD joining up in Closed Position with new partner
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2003