Mona Lisa

Choreographer: 	Daniel Whittaker (UK) March 2014
		07739 352209 ~
Description 	32 Count 4 all Intermediate Line Dance
Music: 		The Mona Lisa - Brad Paisley. Album: Wheelhouse (3:54 - iTunes)
Note: 	There are 3 x 16 count tags at end of wall 1 (facing 3:00 wall), wall 3
	(facing 9:00 wall) and wall 8 (facing 12:00 wall)
Start: 	As the music starts there will be a very obvious 8
	count intro from where the guitar kicks in. CW rotation.

[1-8] 	Step right fwd, Left kick ball walk right, walk L-R kick ball change, 2 x heel switches
1 	Step right forward 12:00
2&3-4 	Kick left forward, step left beside right, step right foot forward, step left forward 12:00
5&6	Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left beside right 12:00
7&8& 	Touch right heel forward, switch and touch left heel forward, switch and step weight on to left 12:00

[9-16] 	Rock step, coaster step, rock step, shuffle ½ turn left
1-2 	Rock right forward, recover weight on to left 12:00
3&4 	Step right back, close left beside right, step right forward 12:00
5-6 	Rock left forward, recover weight on to right 12:00
7&8 	Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left-right-left 06:00

[17-24] 	Walk fwd right, left (or full turn), shuffle fwd right, step ¼ turn, cross over, step side
1-2 	Walk forward right, left (you could make a full turn) 06:00
3&4 	Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right 06:00
5-6 	Step left foot forward, make ¼ turn right 09:00
7-8 	Cross left over right, step right to right side 09:00

[25-32] 	Back rock, ball cross ¼ turn, coaster step, step ¼ turn
1-2 	Rock left foot diagonally back behind right, recover weight on right 09:00
&3-4 	Step left slightly to left side, cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back 12:00
5&6 	Step right foot back, close left beside right, step forward right 12:00
7-8 	Step left foot forward, make ¼ turn right touching right toe beside left 03:00
TAG 	16 counts. Rock cross shuffle, ½ turn shuffle forward, rock step cross shuffle,
	½ turn shuffle forward
1-2 	Rock right to right side, recover weight on to left foot
3&4 	Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6	Make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
7&8 	Shuffle forward left-right-left
	Repeat counts 1-8

NOTE: 	There are 3 x 16 count tags at end of wall 1 (3:00 wall), wall 3 (9:00 wall)
	and wall 8 (12:00 wall)				March 2014