Momma Said

Choreographed by Adrian Churm – – 01782 839 150
Description  32 Count, 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance
Music  Momma Said – Rosa

Point out in out, Weave left and right, Cross Rock, 3/4 triple step turn
1&2  Touch right out to right side, Touch right next to left, Touch right out to right
3&4  Step right back and behind left, step left to left side, Step right forward and across left
5-8 Repeat 1&2, 3&4 on opposite foot
9-10  Step right forward and across left, replace weight back on left
11&12  Making a 3/4 turn right, step right to the right side on ball of foot, step left almost in place
. Rock step, Coaster step, Reverse sailor steps moving forward
13-14  Step left forward, replace weight back onto right
15&16  Step back on left, close right next to left, step left forward
17&18  Step forward right and across left, step left to left side on ball of foot,step right almost in place
19&20 Step forward on left and across right, step right to right side on ball of foot, step left almost in place
Weave into sailor step right and laft, Lock step back
21-22  Step forward right and across left, step left to left side
23&24  Step right back and behind left, Step left to left side on ball of foot, step right almost in place
25-28 Repeat 21-22, 23&24 on opposite foot
29&30  Cross right over left, step back on left, step right diagonally back right
31&32  Repeat 29&30 on opposite foot
Begin Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2001