Choreographed by Dave & Lesley Mather - Description Partner Dance, 64 count. Starting Right Side-by-side, facing LOD. Same footwork except where stated. Music Missing You - Brooks & Dunn: CD - Tightrope Teach Track The Chair - George Strait: CD - Fifty Number OnesMissing You
1-8 Point, Point, Cha Cha Cha x 21-2 Point and touch Rt toe in front of Lt, Point and touch Rt toe to Rt Diagonal, 3&4 Rt Triple fwd. 5-6 Point and touch Lt toe in front of Rt, Point and touch Lt toe to Lt Diagonal, 7&8 Lt Triple fwd.
9- 16 Lady ½ Turn Lt, Cha Cha Cha, 1 ½ turns Rt Cha Cha Cha1-2 Gent:- Walk Rt, Lt. Lady:- ½ turn Lt on Rt, Lt. (Rt hand over Lady’s head, Lt hand kept low) 3&4 Gent:- Rt Triple fwd. Lady:- Rt triple back. 5-6 Gent:- Walk Lt, Rt. Lady:- Full turn Rt on Lt, Rt. (Rt hand then Lt hand over Lady’s head) 7&8 Gent:- Lt Triple fwd. Lady:- ½ turn Rt on Lt triple (Now in cross hand position, Lt hand on top)
17- 24 Walk Walk Cha Cha Cha. X 21-2 Fwd Rt, Lt, 3&4 Rt Triple fwd. 5-6 Forward Lt, Rt, 7&8 Lt Triple fwd.
25- 32 Step Rt, ½ turn Lt, Cha Cha Cha, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Lt, Cha Cha Cha,1-2 Fwd Rt. Pivot ½ Lt. (Lt hand over Gent’s head, Rt hand held at Gent’s rear waist height) 3&4 Rt Triple fwd. 5-6 Rock fwd Lt, Recover onto Rt 7&8 Pivot ½ Left on Lt Triple. (Lt hand over Lady’s head, release Rt. Regain Rt hand hold on completion of turn)
33-40 ½ Turn Lt, step back, Cha Cha Cha. Rock back Lt, Step fwd, Cha Cha Cha1-2 Step fwd Rt and turn ½ Lt., Step back Lt. (Rt hand over Lady’s head in Windmill turn) 3&4 Rt Triple back. (Lt hands held low in front, Rt hands held low behind man’s back) 5-6 Rock back Lt, Step fwd Rt. 7&8 Lt Triple fwd. (RLOD)
41-48 Step ½ turn Cha Cha Cha, Walk Walk Cha Cha Cha1-2 Step fwd Rt, pivot ½ Lt (Release Rt hand, Lt hand over Lady’s head) 3&4 Rt Triple fwd. (Now back in Rt side-by-side) (LOD) 5-6 Fwd Lt, Rt, 7&8 Lt Triple fwd.
49-56 Lady ½ turn Lt in front of man, Cha Cha Cha, Man move to Right Side wrap, Cha Cha Cha.1-2 Gent:- Rt, Lt in place. Lady:- Fwd Rt as you ½ turn Lt, Lt in place, RLOD (Rt hand over Lady’s head) 3&4 Rt Triple in place. (Change to double hand hold) 5-6 Gent:- Step Fwd Lt, Rt passing Rt shoulders as you turn ½ Rt behind lady moving into right side wrap, (Lt hand over Lady’s head) Lady:- Fwd. Lt, RT. 7&8 Lt Triple backward.
57-64 Walk back Rt, Lt, ½ pinwheel triple, Lady full turn, Cha Cha Cha.1-2 Both:- Walk back Rt, LT (LOD) 3&4 ½ pinwheel turn on Rt Triple (Clockwise) 5-6 Gent:- Fwd Lt, Rt, Lady:- Full turn Rt out of wrap on Lt, RT. (Change hands above head height) 7&8 Lt Triple fwd. (Right side-by-side)
Every effort
has been made to ensure these cue Sheets
are accurate, Should you find any errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | September 2010 |