Mirror Image
aka Ingliston 2000
Chorographer Pip Hodge
Description 32 Count Partner Dance Side by Side [Sweetheart]  position
Music Pizzirico - Mavericks
Someday Soon - Suzy Boguss
San Antonio Stroll - Tanya Tucker



1-2 Touch left heel forward, touch left toe back Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back
3&4 Shuffle forward on left, right, left Shuffle forward on right, left, right
5-6 Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back Touch left heel forward, touch left toe back
7&8 Shuffle forward on right, left, right Shuffle forward on left, right, left
9-10 Step left to left, step right next to left Step right to right, step left next to right
11-12 Step left to left, touch right next to left Step right to right, touch left next to right
13-14 Step right  to right, step left next to right Step left to left, step right next to left
15-16 1/4 turn right on right, touch left next to right 1/4 turn left on left, touch right next to left
Now facing partner holding hands
17-18 Step left to left, step right next to left Step right  to right, step left next to right
19-20 Step left  to left, step right next to left Step right  to right, step left next to right
Drop right hand, raise left hand Drop left hand, raise right hand
21-24 Walk round partner 1/2 turn CCW- LRLR Walking under arm 1/2 turn clockwise
25-28 Walk round partner 1/2 turn CCW- LRLR Walking under arm 1/2 turn clockwise

Now facing partner holding hands

29-30 Step left  to left, step right next to left Step right  to right, step left next to right
31 1/4 turn left on left  (drop left hand) 1/4 turn right on right (drop right hand)
32 Stomp right next to left Stomp left next to right

Start Again

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk August 2001