Choreographed by John Ventimiglia and Lynn Hilts
Description Partners face one another holding both hands slightly extended.
Pairs anywhere on the floor (this is not a progressive dance).
Directions are for the man, lady's are opposite work except where noted.
Music Two Pina Coladas by Garth Brooks

1-2 Rock forward on right, Rock back on left
3&4 Cha Cha Cha in place (right, left, right)
5-6 Rock back on left, Rock forward on right
7&8 Cha Cha Cha in place (left, right, left)
9 Rock forward with right turning 1/4 turn left (dropping outside hands)
10 Rock back on left turning 1/4 turn right (back to original position)
11&12 Cha Cha Cha in place (right, left, right)
13 Rock forward with left turning 1/4 turn right (dropping outside hands)
14 Rock back on right turning 1/4 turn left (back to original position)
15&16 Cha Cha Cha in place (left, right, left)
Turn 1/4 turn to left on first step of shuffle: (mans right hand holding womans left) 
17&18 Shuffle (right, left, right)
19&20 Shuffle (left, right, left)
21-22 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/2 turn to left (dropping hands)
23&24 Shuffle forward (right, left, right) (mans left hand picks up womans right)
25-26 Step forward on left, Pivot 1/2 turn to right (dropping hands to side)
27&28 Cha Cha Cha (left, right, left) in place 1/4 turn to right
Man and woman should be facing each other again
Man only. (taking woman's right hand in his left, other hand at side)
Man will pass his left arm over his head in a CCW direction as woman travels around him.
29&30 Shuffle slightly forward at right angle (right, left, right)
31&32 Shuffle slightly to left (left, right, left)
33&34 Shuffle backward at right angle (right, left, right)
35&36 Shuffle forward toward partner (left, right, left) (man places right hand on womans hip)
This Pattern of steps are minimized to allow clear passage of woman traveling around man in close circle
Woman only. (woman's right hand in man's left)
Woman will shuffle in a forward motion circling around the man CCW
and ending up facing
him at arms length in 3 sets of shuffle steps, last shuffle steps
will be towards partner.
29&30 Shuffle (left, right, left)
31&32 Shuffle (right, left, right)
33&34 Shuffle (left, right, left)
35&36 Shuffle forward toward partner (right, left, right) (woman places left hand on mans hip)
Couple's knees will be slightly interlocked with woman's right knee between man's knees.
37-38 Sway right (downward motion), Sway left (downward motion)
39-39 Sway right (upward motion),  Sway left (upward motion)
41&42 Cha Cha backwards (right, left, right) (man and woman are backing away from each other)
43-44 Rock back on left, Step forward on right
45&46 Cha cha forward (left, right, left) (woman passing under mans left arm)
47&48 Cha cha in place 1/2 turn (right, left, right) (counterclockwise for man & clockwise for woman)
49-50 Rock back on left,  Step forward on right
51&52 Shuffle toward each other (left, right, left)
Couple's knees will be slightly interlocked with woman's right knee between man's knees
53-56 (Repeat 37-40) (mans right and womans left on each others hip) 
57&58 Cha Cha backwards (right, left, right) (man and woman are backing away from each other)
59-60 Rock back on left, Step forward on right
61&62 Cha cha forward (left, right, left) (woman passing under mans left arm)
63&64 Cha cha in place 1/2 turn (right, left, right) (counterclockwise for man & clockwise for woman)
65-66 Rock back on left, Step forward on right
67&68 Cha cha in place (man picks up woman's left hand in his right, both hands joined)
Dance begins again!