1-2 |
Touch Left
forward, Touch Left back in place |
3 -4 |
Touch Left
forward, Step Left back |
5-6 |
Touch Right
forward and back twice, Touch Right back in place |
7-8 |
Touch Right
forward, Step Right back in place |
9-10 |
Touch Left
toe behind Rt heel, Step Left back home (bend left
knee, curtsy) |
11-12 |
Right stomp
twice |
13-14 |
Fan Right
toes to the right, Bring toes back to Centre |
15-16 |
Fan Right
toes to the right, Bring toes back to Centre |
Grapevine Right |
17-18 |
Step Right
to the right, Cross left behind Right |
19-20 |
Step Right
to the right, Stomp Left next to right |
Shuffles |
21&22 |
forward Left, Right, Left |
23&24 |
forward Right, Left, Right |
25&26 |
forward Left, Right, Left |
27&28 |
forward Right, Left, Right |
Grapevine Left |
29-30 |
Step Left
to the left, Cross Right behind Left |
31-32 |
Step Left To
Left, Stomp Right next to Left |
Start Again |
Variation 1. |
Lady turns
to her right on second and third shuffle steps; or
Variation 2. |
Turn Release hands, man turns to his left, lady turns to
her right both doing the
shuffle steps in a forward
circle, coming back together on the fourth Shuffle &
joining hands |