Mexican Changes

Choreographed by Michael Diven (April 2005)
Description 32 count, 4-wall Beginner/Intermediate cha-cha line dance
Music  I’ve Been In Mexico - Blaine Larsen

	Step, Drag, Shuffle Forward, Step, Drag, Shuffle Backwards
1-2 	Step left to left side, drag right next to left instep (weight on the right)
3&4 	Left shuffle forward, stepping left, right, left
5-6 	Step right to right side, drag left next to right instep (weight on the left)
7&8 	Right shuffle backwards, stepping right, left, right

	Step Back w/ ½ Turn, Toe Touch, Side Shuffle, Leg Sweep, ¾ Turn Step, Sailor Step
1-2 	Step back on left and pivot ½ turn to the left, touch right toe next to left (6:00)
3&4 	Right side shuffle to the right
5-6 	Sweep left around in front or right while pivot in ¾ turn to the right, step weight down on left (3:00)
7&8 	Right sailor step

	Step, Pivot, Step, Coaster Step, Step, Pivot, Step, Pivot, Crossing Shuffle
1-2 	Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn to the left stepping back on the right (9:00)
3&4 	Left coaster step in place
5 	Step forward on right while pivoting ¼ turn to the left (6:00)
6 	Pivot ½ turn left while stepping left to left side (12:00)
7&8 	Cross shuffle stepping right over left, left to left side, right over left (12:00)
	Step, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Step, Hip Sways
1-2 	Step left to left side while turning ¼ turn left (9:00), 
	step right forward while turning ½ turn left (weight is on right) (3:00)
3&4 	Left shuffle forward
5-6 	Step forward on right foot moving hips to the right then back to the left
7&8	 Shake hips right, left, right (weight ends up back on the right)
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2005