Message In A Bottle

Choreographed by 	Angela & Peter Kimber – July2015 ~ 01993 831248
Description 	56 count partner dance Start in Side by Side position facing LOD –
		same foot throughout
Music 		Message in a Bottle - David Ball (CD:David Ball)
		NB short 8 count intro
1-8 	Shuffle fwd,Side rock x 2
1-4 	Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT,Side rock on LT,Recover on RT
5-8 	Shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT,Side rock on RT,Recover on LT
9-12 	Man;Shuffle fwd,Step fwd,Touch Lady:Shuffle fwd with ½ turn,Step back,Touch
9-12 	Man:Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT,Step LT fwd,Touch RT
	Lady:Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT with ½ turn LT (to RLOD),Step LT back,Touch RT
	(Bring RT hands over Lady’s head as she turns - end crossed RT on top)
13-16 	Man:Reverse Rocking chair Lady:Rocking chair
13-16 	Man:Rock back RT,Recover on LT,Rock fwd RT,Recover on LT
	Lady:Rock fwd RT,Recover on LT,Rock back RT,Recover on LT
17-20 	Man: Rock back, Recover, Shuffle fwd Lady: Step fwd, Step fwd with ½ turn, Shuffle fwd
17-20 	Man: Rock back RT, Recover on LT,Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT
	Lady: Step fwd RT, Step fwd LT with ½ turn LT (to LOD),Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT
	(Release LT hands as Lady turns - pick up in Side by side as shuffle fwd)
21-24	 Man: Shuffle fwd with ½ turn, Shuffle back Lady: Shuffle fwd x 2
21-24 	Man: Shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT with ½ turn RT (to RLOD),Shuffle back RT,LT,RT
	Lady: Shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT, Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT
	(Release RT hands as Man turns - keep LT)
25-28 	Man: Step back, Step side with ¼ turn, Cross shuffle
	Lady: Step fwd, Step side with ¼ turn, Cross shuffle
25-28 	Man: Step back LT, Step side RT with ¼ turn RT (to ILOD),Cross shuffle LT over RT
	Lady: Step fwd LT, Step side RT with ¼ turn LT (to ILOD),Cross shuffle LT over RT
	(Lady behind Man - pick up RT hand low behind him)
29-36 	Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle, Side rock, Recover, Side rock with ¼ turn, Recover
29-36 	Side rock RT, Recover on LT, Cross shuffle RT over LT
	Side rock LT, Recover on RT, Side rock LT with ¼ turn LT (to RLOD),Recover on RT
37-44 	Shuffle fwd, Step fwd, Step fwd with 1/2 turn, Lock steps x 2
37-40 S	huffle fwd LT,RT,LT(to RLOD),Step fwd RT, Step fwd LT with ½ turn LT (to LOD)
41-44 	Step RT fwd, Lock LT behind, Step RT fwd, Step Lt fwd, Lock RT behind, Step LT fwd
	(Return to Side by Side as turn)
45-48 	Step side with ¼ turn, Close, Shuffle back with ¼ turn
45-48 	Step side RT with ¼ turn LT (to ILOD),Close LT,S huffle back RT,LT,RT with ¼ turn LT
	facing RLOD - travelling down LOD
	(Pass RT hands over Lady’s head as turn to ILOD and leave low)
49-52 	Step side with ¼ turn, Close, Shuffle fwd with ¼ turn
49-52 	Step side LT with ¼ turn LT, Close RT, Shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT with ¼ turn LT (to LOD)
	(Pass LT hands over Lady’s head as turn - return to Side by side as shuffle fwd)
53-56 	Step fwd, Touch, Step back, Touch in front
53-56 	Step fwd RT, Touch LT beside, Step back LT,T ouch RT in front
	Start all over – Hope you enjoy!			August 2015