Megan’s Stroll
1-8 R & L STEP SCUFF, R & L SHUFFLES FORWARD Right step forward taking weight, Scuff Left heel through, Left step forward taking weight, Scuff Right heel through, Right shuffle forward RLR, Left shuffle forward RLR9-16 RIGHT and LEFT STROLL and SCUFF Right step forward, Slide Left up and lock behind right foot, Right step forward, Scuff Left heel through, Left step forward, Slide Right up and lock behind left foot, Left step forward, Scuff Right heel through17-24 R & L GRAPEVINE and TOUCH, (LADY’S 360º TURN ON R &L) MAN: Release Left hands and turn Lady under Right arm whilst doing Right grapevine and finish Left touch beside right, LADY: Release Left hands – Three step 360º turn to Right turning under Gent’s Right arm and touch Left beside right, MAN: Release Right hands and take up Left hands and turn the Lady under Left arm whilst doing Left grapevine and finish Right foot touch beside left, LADY: Release Right hands and take up Left hands – Three step 360º turn to Left under Gent’s left arm and Finish Right touch beside left Rejoin both hands in Side by Side position and continue25-32 R & L SHUFFLE and R & L HEELS FORWARD and BACK Right shuffle forward RLR, Left shuffle forward RLR, Right heel touch forward, Bring foot back in place, Left heel touch forward, Bring foot back in place START AGAIN July 2005