Me Without You
Choreographed by Rick & Deborah Bates (219) 365-8319 - -
Description 32 count, intermediate partner circle dance Double Hand Hold position.
Man faces OLOD and lady faces ILOD
Music Honk If You Honkytonk - George Strait - 152 bpm  CD: Honkytonkville 
Without You - Vince Gill - 143 bpm CD: The Next Big Thing 
Who's Gonna Play The Piano - Bobby Seals

1-2 Step across Lt onto toes of Rt, 
down onto heel of Rt
Step across Rt onto toes of Lt, 
step down onto heel of Lt 
3-4 Step to the Lt onto toes of Lt, 
step down onto heel of Lt
Step to the Rt onto toes of Rt, 
step down onto heel of Rt 
5-6 Step across Lt onto toes of Rt, 
step down onto heel of Rt
Step across Rt onto toes of Lt, 
step down onto heel of Lt
7-8 Step to the Lt onto toes of Lt, 
step down onto heel of Lt 
Step to the Rt onto toes of Rt, 
step down onto heel of Rt 
Release hands

9-10 Touch right toe to the right, pivot ½ turn to the right 
on ball of left and step right next to left
Touch left toe to the left, pivot ½ turn to the left
on ball of right and step left next to right
Partners are now back to back. Man facing ILOD and lady facing OLOD
11-12 Touch left toe to the left, step left next to right Touch right toe to the right, step right next to left
13-14 With weight on heel of right and ball of left, 
swivel right toe to the right and left heel to the left, swivel right toe and left heel to center
With weight on heel of left and ball of right, 
swivel left toe to the left and right heel to the right, swivel left toe and right heel to center
15-16 With weight on heel of left and ball of right, 
swivel left toe to the left and right heel to the right,
swivel left toe and right heel to center, 
shift weight to left
With weight on heel of right and ball of left, 
swivel right toe to the right and left heel to the left,
swivel right toe and left heel to center, 
shift weight to right

17-18 Step to the right on right, touch left next to right Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
19-20 Step to the left on left, touch right next to left Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
21-22 Step to the right on right, cross left behind right Step to the left on left, cross right behind left
23-24 Step a ¼ turn to the right on right, 
scuff left next to right
Step a ¼ turn to the left on left, 
scuff right next to left
Man takes up lady's Lt hand in his Rt. Partners now facing LOD in the Right Open Promenade position

25-26 Step forward on left, slide right next to left Step forward on right, slide left next to right
27-28 Step forward on left, scuff right next to left Step forward on right, scuff left next to right
Release inside hands. Man's left and lady's right
29-30 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn to the left 
on ball of right and shift weight to left
Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn to the right 
on ball of left and shift weight to right
31-32 Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn to the left 
on ball of right and shift weight to left
Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn to the right 
on ball of left and shift weight to right
Rejoin hands in the Double Hand Hold position. Man facing OLOD and lady facing ILOD
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2003